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Entertainment industry fanning the flames


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You know, I think we have enough idiocy is the world. I guess now we have partisan idiots in the entertainment industry that all pushing our buttons to get ratings. Point in fact.


First it was the Game of Thrones that had President Bushes severed head on a pike



And now we have a President Obama look alike dressed up as Satan in "The Bible"



To add to that the Sensationalist Glenn Beck has has chilmed in to try again to become relevant in any way possible.



In all the person dramas we are individually going through. Feeding our families and staying one step ahead of our creditors, Do we really need to support this type of B.S. by tuning into these shows that are are simply using us as guinea pigs to shamelessly advertise their show via the public outcry against the juvenile antics they pull.


Couldn't we just walk away for a little bit and let the nielsen ratings correct the producers attitudes.

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For me, its only something that matters if it was done on purpose. I've heard the producers of 'The Game of Thrones' did it on purpose, but have not heard such a comment yet from the producers of 'The Bible'.


As I don't know about the producers of 'The Bible' I can only deduce the following:

1. It was done on purpose, which then they did cross a line and should apologize.

2. Accidental, they got an actor they liked, did the lines well, and went with him. The fact he 'looks' like Obama means nothing except for those thin skinned people who see insults everywhere they turn.

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In all the person dramas we are individually going through. Feeding our families and staying one step ahead of our creditors, Do we really need to support this type of B.S. by tuning into these shows that are are simply using us as guinea pigs to shamelessly advertise their show via the public outcry against the juvenile antics they pull.


You know, the same comment could be made about "News" programs that go out of their way to have round the clock coverage of the latest horrific shooting, or political argument. One could argue that Glen Beck should apologize for stating such a connection between an unrelated actor playing a role and the President of the United States and should mention that his own political bias clouded both whatever contextual similarities might exist and lead to behavior which is entirely inappropriate of anyone in the media who might be receptive to those similarities. People in the news media, especially those with such a fanatically devoted following should be more responsible with the statements that they make, period. Unfortunately due to the character of this individual, even if such an apology were made, it would not be genuine and would almost certainly be tinted with sarcasm and framed as grandstanding about how "he was right and how other parts of the media don't want to accept the 'truth'" or other crap.

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Media in general is simply a circus. I don't get any variety of broadcast television, and I don't miss it. "News" programs are only about ratings. Folks watch on the off chance they get to see the next major blowup on national television, or whatever other drama the press is floating at the moment. There is no such thing as "unbiased" reporting any more. Every news program has their own slant, and make sure to put forward stories that reinforce that slant. Whether such stories would even have gotten a passing mention in the past, or not. Notice how ANY gun crime is headline news now? Stories you never would have heard before, are now front page, breaking news, storie of the moment..... simply because it gets ratings, and forwards whatever news organizations views on the matter.


Not to mention that 'facts' are now mutable, depending on which news program you watch....... the press regularly publishes flat out lies, simply because it supports their view of any given issue. The stories change to suit their mood. What's REALLY depressing though, is the folks that eagerly lap up the BS that the press is handing out, accept it as gospel, and start hurling insults and such at anyone that disagrees with them. Can't attack the argument, so, attack the person instead.


It's a truly sad state of affairs, and has only gotten worse over time. A trend that I see continuing. There is no hope for mainstream media.

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A problem I see is that people think Beck, O'Rielly, Hannity, Maddow, Matthews, Colbert, etc are actually reporters, they are not, they are talking heads. They then take something (like what Beck said) and say it's fact. (Actually he is a bit right, the actor does indeed look a bit like Obama. However the actor has played in other such religious films and such.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Saw the vid, I didn't see bush at all, and the other just happened to look a bit like obama. It reminds me of the illusion of pareidolia or even apophenia, where sometimes people interpret familiar patterns or images in randomness based on their personal experiences - catholics see jesus in toast, american patriots see bush on (barely visible and blurred) head spike.

It seems to me this just a story made from nothing because nothing interesting is happening in the world, that's just how the news works.

Edited by Ironman5000
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Then you weren't paying attention. Look at the pic and not the video. That is G.W.'s likeness with a wig added. Make of that what you will.

Edited by juderodney
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Make of that what you will.

And that is the key phrase, too many people did this. The features are similar but from seeing it on an angle facing away you can't say this is a good enough likeness, show me a pic of head face-on and then I will believe you.


I already saw the pic too btw.

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