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Native Linux support for Vortex


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Back when I still ran Windows 7 I used to love Vortex but because Windows was and is becoming an increasingly problematic s#*! show I have abandoned it for Linux and now a lot of software isn't working on Linux.


You might ask, why bother developing Vortex for native Linux support when Elder Scrolls isn't supported natively on Linux? Morrowind is natively supported on Linux now through OpenMW and a few other games hosted on Nexus are also supported natively on Linux. Thanks to Proton, we will likely see more gamers abandoning the s#*! show Windows for Linux as time goes on and as Windows 7 becomes increasingly abandoned by software vendors.


I work in IT and I know developing on Linux is significantly easier than developing on Windows so making a port shouldn't be very difficult so there's no real valid excuses anymore.

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we will likely see more gamers abandoning the s*** show Windows for Linux as time goes on



I love linux (but would never seriously attempt to use it for a hardcore gaming rig), this is a pipe dream but hey, maybe THIS is the year of the linux desktop lol

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  • 10 months later...


we will likely see more gamers abandoning the s*** show Windows for Linux as time goes on



I love linux (but would never seriously attempt to use it for a hardcore gaming rig), this is a pipe dream but hey, maybe THIS is the year of the linux desktop lol


i feel like the word "hardcore" embodys linux users so add "gaming" to that and boom hardcore gamer on linux, IE me and a lot of other people.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Personally in the same situation. Moved to linux at the end of 2020 with my brand new entry level gaming rig cause no way was i gonna deal with Win10 and all that. I haven't found much trouble with gaming, aside from a handful of games that i can really live without (apex legends, just wanted to try it out). Considering Vortex is Open source, it would be very much welcome on linux distros like ubuntu and arch and their derivatives.

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