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NMM bug fix release and download hacking problems fixed


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I don't know if this is related but, I just tried to download a mod and a window popped up saying..you are trying download NEXUS.EXE.. I've never seen that before. I just saw that it is related ... what a drag someone did this to the site. Edited by GorrWarrior
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I hope nobodys master boot record sectors in their Hard Drives got infected because if it gets in the master boot sectors of the hard drive, then you have to buy a brand new hardrive. wich cost a lot for people like me that use terabyte hard Drives. luckily ive not been infected. i will let you know if i see anything strange so you can fix the issue. im a graduate of computer repair. so ive seen alot of virus problems and had to replace alot of peoples hard drives in the past, including my own. i hope you plan on reporting this hacker to the authorities so they can get arrested and pay for their attacks.
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I also had this nexus.exe right now, from San-Jose's server. I canceled the download immediately but MSE was on guard too :D.


I still don't get the reason for hacking. Do those people enjoy to bring harm to others, don't they have better things to do or maybe they want to show to the world what ingenious brain they have but then again they could use that genius for something worthwhile actually...

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When I click on the version number of any installed (or not) mod in the manager, I have no access to to the nexus page of that mod... I am the only to have this problem ?


Note : I am able to donwload any mod via Nexus by the «downloand with manager» button.

Edited by polts
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Ah. The FBI moneypak virus. I had to purge it a while back and it took a neighbor's PC and Google to get info on what it was and how to kill it.


Its a Trojan AND a scam. It finds its way into a computer and sets up a fullscreen splash saying that the user's PC has been locked due to suspected illegal activies and in order to unlock the PC the user must obtain a moneypak card (or use credit card information) and pay a "fine" between $150 and $500 within a time limit or the FBI will come knocking down the door. But even if you pay the fake fine, you won't get use of your PC back.


The programmer went to great lengths to make it look legitimate, even coding the splash so that its on top of EVERYTHING, even the task manager. You can't alt-tab out and it sets itself to run on startup. Further, it cripples your anti-virus software so even if you get into safe mode, your antivirus will not function properly and will fail. >_>


The nexus servers either a slip in their antivirus guards or someone allowed it in, that's the only two ways possible. The common way is for this virus to gain access by user consent, usually by disguising itself as a benign application or file that the user assumes is part of something they're doing (not paying attention to the things they're downloading) so they just click the "yes" button which is when it goes to work.

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In response to post #7639469.

This is incorrect. You only need to run fixboot and fixmbr from the recovery console, which you can access by booting your windows installation media. These tools will replace the boot sector and the master boot record with clean data, overwriting any virus that may have infected it.That said, if you become infected, the only way to be completely sure (in a windows environment) that you have eliminated every trace of a virus is to back up your data to an external location (USB disk or network share, windows easy migration tool can help with some of that) and then nuke it from orbit by wiping every byte of data off of the hard disk. Delete all partitions and create everything from scratch, then reinstall windows.The best way to go about this is to download a copy of knoppix (or some other free linux troubleshooting environment), burn that to a CD/DVD, and boot from it. By booting off of something other than your hard drive you guarantee there are no rootkits or other malware running in the background, and all windows viruses are incapable of executing and functioning in non-windows environments such as linux.Use that tool to move your data off and wipe the disk. There are many excellent guides on how to do this all over the web. Reinstall, then before restoring your data, scan it thoroughly with virus scanners to make sure there are no trace files left behind in anything you saved. If you have stored passwords on your system (such as in a web browser cache for your bank or other sites you care about such as email) you must change all of them after you get running again. Malware often scans your system for this kind of information and sends it off to remote servers, where the authors will eventually use it or resell it to other parties.It sucks, but in the end it is more successful and less time consuming than attempting to clean malware out of windows.Basic instructions on how to do this can be read at this link. http://www.brighthub.com/computing/linux/articles/64736.aspxI recommend booting knoppix, plugging in a USB drive to back up your data, copying everything you want to save to that drive, then wiping the disk completely. At that point you can safely reinstall windows.It appears Kaspersky also offers a similar solution.https://support.kaspersky.com/4162http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwlV3vVSDgoAlso, when you are reinstalling, Ninite can save you a great deal of time.http://ninite.com/ Edited by evilnight01
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I don't know if the hacking problem has been fixed because when I tried to download an armor some file came up instead of the armor mod that was titled Nexus.exe

Good thing mozilla prompts before downloading

Just like a minute ago btw :P

Edited by xEspada
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