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NMM bug fix release and download hacking problems fixed


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Went for manual download of an update to the game imagespace but instead got "Nexus.exe" from here:

xttp://fs9.nexusmods.com/Libs/Common/Managers/Downloads?Download&nid=110&fid=22197 (don't click)


I checked the file, which had been inerted and I never clicked on it. Ran the file through Avira and told me it's clean, but looking at the properties the text was in Russian, claiming itself to be part of Windows, but I knew better: I deleted it and tried another server.

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Yea - I almost ran into the ransomware when I was downloading mods for my Skyrim installation. For one mod (don't remember what it was), I ended up selecting the San Jose server (despite knowing it was infected) to download it. The first suspicious thing that happened was my download manager popped up and offered to download the file, which it usually dosen't on this site. The second - my antivirus immeditaly popped up a warning saying that the file was infected. I didn't download the file (obiviously) - I had common sense.

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The option to uninstall all active downloads would be so useful. Im not sure if it works for any one else but not for me. Ive really had lots of use for it lately but I will say that most of the other bugs are fixed it would seem. Good job you wonderful creators of the NMM lol Oh and I was wondering if some one has noticed that as far back as Ive been using the NMM It wont let you have control of your first like 10 plugins. It seems to lock them in its own top of the list. Im not sure why but its so annoying. If this could be fixed that would be very very cool,and I for one would give you the praise you deserve lol Man I just wanted to also say how much Im in love with the Nexus and very thankful for the creators and all of those geniuses who mod the hell out of Skyrim and other games....
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Despite that many or some are being affected by this I feel for you guys at Nexus. This must be stressful and a pain in #$%^. Once I get a Paypal setup, I will donate to the site because this is a lot of work that and you guys really took my gaming to whole other level. I used to be an console only guy but after repeatedly seeing all this mod stuff on the net I bought a pc. Now my ps3 is collecting dust and my wife is hating me for all the hours I spend on this site. I feel wrong not donating something at the least for all the wonderful creations you give us access to at no cost but a hit on the site.



Thanks and good luck.

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Actually the FBI virus is fairly old. It hit my bosses old computer and locked it up. His was running Windows XP which was, although great for it's time, not the most secure OS. A tip for people experiencing this issue, considering you can see this, which of course you can't from the infected computer. Disconnect your internet, when working on my bosses PC I had to run Malewarebytes in safe mode, the computer will not lock UNLESS you have a program that tries to assess the internet.
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I too ran into this, i believe on Salt Lake City server(s), which would make it believable inasmuch as SLC is reportedly where the govt is making a huge snooping clearing house to spy on its citizens. however, i did not d/l any of it because i have my browser download function set to "always ask" where to send downloads, so I was able to backtrack and choose another server. i would suggest that anyone set their download preferences so as to confirm where to save it and thus it can be seen right there if it is not what was intended.

thanks to everyone for the great nexus. i have only now begun to take an interest in FNV since i have heavily modded this originally underdeveloped game--only made possible with the wonderfully creative mods and explanations by so many very talented people and the guys who host it all.

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Most AntiVirus programs are crap at picking up that type of program, typically called "Scareware" or "Fraudware". Here's what you should do. Go pick up MalwareBytes. Get the paid version because the $25 for the auto-update and scan plus 0-Day protection is gold. I managed to get my copy for less due to a Black Friday sale. And it's FOR LIFE. No yearly repurchase. You can transfer it to a new computer if you get one. And it's the most effective malware program I've ever used.
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