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NMM bug fix release and download hacking problems fixed


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There is something that happens to me quite a bit on the site that you guys might want to know about. I'm not sure if it's anything malicious, but better to report it in case it is than not say anything.


Almost every time I manually download a file, which is the only way I download things from here, I get redirected to another webpage after the download finishes. This has been happening for a very long time, six months to a year I would guess. Fortunately McAfee blocks the page so I have no idea what it's trying to redirect me to. As I said, not sure it's anything malicious, but better safe than sorry.

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In response to post #7640461.

not once in my 2 years of using this site have i ever been redirected to another page during manual downloads. tbh, it sounds like there might be something on your end. I mean no disrespect or offense, just relaying my personal experience.Edit: Q, have you set your preferences to give a pop up window for the download or to open a separate page? You can go here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/users/preferences/ and near the bottom of Global Preferences, the drop down box under File Download Method. just a thought. Edited by Berenost
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In response to post #7640461. #7640524 is also a reply to the same post.

I have it set in my preferences to use a popup window for downloads. It could be on my end, but I've never gotten this warning on another site.Edit: Also I'm pretty sure it's trying to redirect my download and not the actual page. If it wasn't for SiteAdvisor chances are that it would do whatever it's trying to do without ever leaving the page and I would never know anything happened. I'm also not sure it's even anything bad. It could just be a normal process the Nexus does after a download that SiteAdvisor doesn't like. Edited by Kalell
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I remove computer viruses (among a zillion other things) in my line of work. I have encountered ransomware viruses like this one many times. You can use combofix to remove it. The Kaspersky boot disk also has a command line feature useful to give you access to windows when it's totally locked. After that, you use combofix and malwarebytes anti-malware to clean the machine.


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In response to post #7640124. #7640508 is also a reply to the same post.

It disables your antivirus when it can. That's the brutal part. It roadkill'd mine and I had to find external scanners and offline tools to rip the blasted thing out of my computer. Avira (my antivirus) needs to be more on the ball with this thing.
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the Dallas/TX has gotten infected too it seems...


was downloading the auto purge crash protector and BAM Nexus.exe


http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/49319 for reference.


good thing the manager just crashed instead of opening the file so i deleated and ound a server with the lovely non infected version...

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