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Dialogue: Intercom Voice


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Is it possible to give a voice that is used in a dialogue an "Intercom Sound Effect"


I only know it's possible for Audio Descriptors

It should be possible, but only if you're able to isolate that specific voice from the 'main' audio. When unable to isolate this sole voice track; you'll influence the whole audio track and the 'effects' will be audible for every voice that's on the same track. Because, if all voices are on one track, and you add something to that one track, hey, the sound or effect you added will be on that track and will be audible for every voice that shares the same track.


For clarification, a 'track' isnt the same as a 'voice'. A track is a part of an audio recording; where said track is a part of the ability of a tape or other means of recording. With a tape, the amount of available 'tracks' is dictated by the tape itself; with digital software, the amount of available tracks is determined by how many tracks the software allows you to use.


So; in order for you to change the effect to one voice that is part of an audio track, you'd need the original tapes (before the mix got recorded to one track) in order to make changes to the sound of that single voice. It is possible, however, with a lot of patience, first of all to single-out the voice you're after and record it digitally or on tape as a single file (or 'track') and then do whatever you want with it. Good luck.

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