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>Argonian thief<

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ok so i applied for like a month ago. NOw at the place they claim to have a opening. If i take it this will be my first job, but should i? I mean i wanted a summer job and everything but now here theres only a month left of summer. Plus now im having doubts becasue i guess my friend who helped me out with the job is quiting :( . so im kinda lost. Im asking for people who have had jobs and have some expirence. what do u guys think should i take it? or babaysit my sister the rest of the summer :help:
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This job would mean you leaving your house and being unable to connect to the MWSource forums for long periods of times, right?....


...take it....TAKE IT! ^_^

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It's good to have a job, even during school. Jobs help people get way more organized about things. My grades actually went up from Cs the high Bs when I got a job, because, suddenly I had to do every thing at a certain time. I didn't mind it so much though, because I was rolling in mula (because I'm too young for most taxes) in 2 months.




I would totally do the job thing

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Its too bad im under age. cheap beer becomes expensive beer. PLus good news for dark one. If i took the job id be able to get my new computer meaning i could get on mwsource more often :D doesnt that make you happy


plus i guess it wouldnt be such a bad thing considering i know the guys they race BMX with me and run the track, well not with me there pro.

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