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Hi to everyone here, its my first time emerging in moded games few days only in.

Its normal that after adding couple modes, I cant stop even after braking game few times? I am addicted to mods now :sad:

What best way to find mods, faster, without going thro all mods by tag? I cant get grasp of searching and finding mods here yet....



P.S. Sorry if posted in wrong place. Dont punish to harsh :smile:

Edited by Za1d3JaS
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Think of it this way ... you've started down a path that doesn't have a destination at the end, in fact it doesn't even have an end to place a destination on.


The experience of the journey is the destination, and it has no end because each time you start out with a clean load order it can become a completely different journey than the last or only change in certain ways. Modding is one of those things that teaches you that the more you know only reveals how much you still don't know.


As you research for mods to add you'll run across ones that don't seem to have any interest at the moment. Spend enough time reading the mod description to get an idea of what it's about. Next week/month/year you'll be reading up on something else and a little light will go off, and you'll say to yourself "This would go great with that other mod I looked at!!". Next thing you know you'll find yourself on a path you didn't even know existed.


That's what modding is like (or at least that's what it's like for me ... YMMV).

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Welcome Newbie.


Well, yeah, you almost wrote a short story. You still kept your post to the fact you're a newbie though.


Use all your random energy that spills over when playing a game and it CTD's so much you want to yell at the developers for cheating you out of your hard earned money.


Focus on how you would change the way the game play is that would make it better than. Learn to mod for that game and make it better, for you, and for everyone else who finds your mod does what they like for the game too.


Learn to mod. :geek: Happy Gaming! :happy:

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