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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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I'm Buddhist/Pyroninja42/Pyroninja43. I'd love to get started in doing voice overs.


Voice Actor Stats


Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race: Caucasian

Last updated: 3/27/2014

Active member: Uh...


Playable roles:

Imperial, Redguard, maybe Bretons and Aldmer.



While not in voice acting, my last job was 100% giving presentations. But I've been told that I've got a great voice, and I wish to use these mods as a way of getting experience.



I can narrate rather well, and I've got a deep, somewhat-booming voice. I can do crazy people, stupid people, serious people, villains, tough guys, and I've got pretty good comedic timing.


About me:


I'm a 20-year old from Virginia, and after receiving numerous compliments about my voice (from a speech pathologist and a guy who does voiceovers), I've decided to try out voice acting. And I would love to use the Skyrim modding community as a way of testing the waters.


Voice Samples

https://soundcloud.com/rudebuddhist/me <-Me narrating a post by myself on another forum.

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Actor Stats

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: White
Last Updated: 04/05/2014
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Have played Nord and Dunmer. I can do the Dunmer accent really well, at least I think.

Never voice acted before, but I have experience putting on different voices in theatre.

Have good sound recording equipment (not a skill, but worth mentioning), know my way around the recorder and can do a decent Eastern European accent, or several kinds of English accents. All my other accents are dodgy, but I learn quickly.

About Me:
I don't have a girly voice - my tone is said to be very clear but my voice is rather deep for a woman's. By "default" I have a strange affect to my voice that people have said sounds vaguely European. (usually they say either Russian or Irish)




(24 sec - shows three voices I can do)


Edited by raskolnikova
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I have a very short role that needs to be filled, it's really only a few sentences.


Basically it's a grouchy noble selling her house since it's been a little too haunted, and she's trying to get rid of the key and get out of Skyrim ASAP.


Requirements: Female, or able to sound female. I'm not picky.

PM me if interested and I'll send a script and you can decide if it's alright.

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I don't have all the lines ready yet, but me and my writer are working on it.

Here's what I need:

An older nord lady, prob sounds 70-80 years old.

A vampire imperial, could sound like main vamp in dawnguard

Two male nord voices, one sounds about 18-25, other sounds about 30-40 and smart sounding.

A cheerful voiced female nord (bard) in her 20s, decently high pitched would probably be best.

Another female white girl voice in her 20s, sounds kinda b*tchy

A deep voiced redguard/African American, probably in 30s.

A kinda deep redguard voice, maybe jayz voice or something. 20s, 30s.

A jerky sounding nord voice in his early 20s.

A sexy nord girl voice, somewhere between 18-25.

A older dark elf voice, very smart and nice sounding.


If you could do any of the voices above decently, pm me. Actually, doesn't matter if you don't think you can do those, PM me, I'm sure we have a part for you. Also I'll give you quest details in PM.

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I am looking for voice actors for a couple mods.

Voice types I need:

Hall of Beginnings:

* Female Altmer (elf haughty) Only 1 line of dialog

* Female Breton (even-toned) Four or Five lines of dialog


Become A Skooma Dealer:

* Teen Female Imperial (like around 16 or 17) The lines are not

all written yet, but I'm pretty sure there will be a lot of them.


Please PM me if you are interested in taking on any of these roles.

Edited by MimiTheAlchemist
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I am currently looking for a voice actor for a elven male mage custom follower mod that I am doing. It will be more detailed than my previous follower mods, if anyone has seen my past creations, with a few hundred lines of dialog or more. The character has a serious/somewhat obsessive/crazy side to him, I don't have a preformed notion of his voice yet so anything can go. A voice actor with ab-lib abilities would be nice, but not preferred. If anyone is interested in helping out please let me know as soon as possible I have dialog all ready.

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Age: 27
Gender: Female
Race: Mixed/Other
Active Member: Yes
Playable Races:
So far only done a Nord Race
Just started
Can make .wav's and can use a British Accent
About Me:
many people say i have a lovely accent, and i thought i would give voice acting a try
Voice Samples:

i created a mod which is up on Steam workshop which is a great example of my voice acting skills (if you can call it that :P) here a video i created using the mod :

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