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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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I'm actually new to the Nexus, and wanted to try out voice acting~ Now here's the sitch:

For a school project, I have to make a mod OR voice act in a mod for Skyrim... My Skryim doesn't recognize the .esp file I made using Creation Kit, and (as you may have guessed), I'm VERY new to it anyway. I'm not sure what to do, because even the most basic NPCs don't show up. Even just an Imperial female with the default texture. I placed her in The Winking Skeever in Solitude, but she doesn't show up.. Any modders willing to help? Or even better: CREATE the mod for me, I'll send the dialogue, face mesh, and voice over, and BOOM~ there we go. I really don't know what I'm doing wrong, so it's gonna probably take a while to figure out what the issue is... even searching for her in the console doesn't help~

If you still need help, I volunteer if it's simple(without scripts or stuff like that). :)

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Hey there fellow modders! Happy New Year!


Here's a link to some voice samples I've made. https://soundcloud.com/helenasangrilth



P.S. I haven't used any fancy equipment. English is not my native language. I stuttered here and there. :confused:


Hey not bad, do you think you could do an emo / depressed voice?

If so I may have a part for you


Well, why not? I could try.

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Age: 16

Gender: Male

Race: White/Cacasian

Active Member: Yes


Playable Races:

Imperials, Khajiit, Breton, maybe High Elf and Wood Elf



A few voices in a parody series, not related to Skyrim at all.



Really good at editing audio, especially in Audacity. I make commentaries on YouTube, so I know how to use my natural voice really well. I can somewhat pull off an English/Scottish accent, it's sorta inbetween the two and I can also do an Italian accent. While I'm not fluent in German nor Spanish, I can pronounce words from both languages pretty well.


About Me:

Voice acting is something I would love to do and I really want to get better at it. I currently have over 6,900 subs on YouTube, but I'm definitely not egotistical about it. I'm a small blimp compared to most people.

Samples please? And not just a link to one of your videos. Like an actual sample for Skyrim is best.


Sorry it took me so long to add a sample, but I've been busy. Here's a quick one I recorded:


I used Soundcloud as it was the easiest thing to use at the time. Audio sounds a little weird because I used too much noise removal.

I'll make sure to add it to my original post as well.


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Age: 16

Gender: Male

Race: White/Cacasian

Active Member: Yes


Playable Races:

Imperials, Khajiit, Breton, maybe High Elf and Wood Elf



A few voices in a parody series, not related to Skyrim at all.



Really good at editing audio, especially in Audacity. I make commentaries on YouTube, so I know how to use my natural voice really well. I can somewhat pull off an English/Scottish accent, it's sorta inbetween the two and I can also do an Italian accent. While I'm not fluent in German nor Spanish, I can pronounce words from both languages pretty well.


About Me:

Voice acting is something I would love to do and I really want to get better at it. I currently have over 6,900 subs on YouTube, but I'm definitely not egotistical about it. I'm a small blimp compared to most people.

Samples please? And not just a link to one of your videos. Like an actual sample for Skyrim is best.


Sorry it took me so long to add a sample, but I've been busy. Here's a quick one I recorded:


I used Soundcloud as it was the easiest thing to use at the time. Audio sounds a little weird because I used too much noise removal.

I'll make sure to add it to my original post as well.



Would you mind sending me the original file so I could look at something and try some noise removal myself?


Also, what equipment are you using?

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Hi Everybody ! I'm new to the modding scene. I've been playing for years Skyrim on my Xbox and now I'm replaying on my new Mac. I was so overwhelmed by the talent in the modding community that I would like to somehow contribute. I've got quite a good range as a voice talent and I would be really happy to work with other great talents.


Actor Stats

Age: 30
Gender: Male
Race: White/Cacasian
Last Updated: 2015
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Every Race, I'm able to do monsters, animals noises, werewolf, vampires,... shoot and will see :smile:

Some experience in acting, doing short movies animations for friends and a singer for years.

Accents (English, French, German,...)

Animals - Monsters

English and French Language


Good studio at home and great quality mic

Experience in Acting

Young, teen, adult and old voices

Let's create a great character together !

Edited by frankthestep
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Hi Everybody ! I'm new to the modding scene. I've been playing for years Skyrim on my Xbox and now I'm replaying on my new Mac. I was so overwhelmed by the talent in the modding community that I would like to somehow contribute. I've got quite a good range as a voice talent and I would be really happy to work with other great talents.



Actor Stats


Age: 30

Gender: Male

Race: White/Cacasian

Last Updated: 2015

Active Member: Yes


Playable Races:

Every Race, I'm able to do monsters, animals noises, werewolf, vampires,... shoot and will see :smile:



Some experience in acting, doing short movies animations for friends and a singer for years.



Accents (English, French, German,...)

Animals - Monsters

English and French Language


Good studio at home and great quality mic

Experience in Acting

Young, teen, adult and old voices

Let's create a great character together !





Sample please?

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Hello everyone!
I'd love to help anyone out with their Skyrim mods if they're in need of a male voice actor. I've taken a couple classes in voiceover before in San Francisco and Los Angeles, and I'm eager to get started on any and all projects I can find. I've done a little commercial work in Russia (English) as well as some narration, but character stuff is what I'd love to pursue.


Age: 30
Gender: Male

Race: White / Caucasian
Active member: Yes

Playable Races:
I have auditions posted for nearly all of them on my SoundCloud page:
Anything you need that I haven't done, I'm happy to record something new!

Thanks for listening, and good luck on your projects!

Jamie Campbell

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