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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Actor Stats

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Arab/ Semitic

Last Updated: 6/3/2019

Active Member: I am active on Instagram at @sami.abbas_ and my email at [email protected]

Playable Races:



Starting out in voice acting however is experienced with XLR mic.


Lunacy, Crazy, deep, hoarse, serious, basically i can go from Cicero to Ulfric

About Me:

I have a deep voice with a heavy Australian accent which can be masked by various accents are personas i take. I have a high vocal range as i am a choir singer so i can play characters like Cicero, but i can default to my normal voice which is very baritone and deep, very mature for my age.

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Actor Stats

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Race: White/Caucasian

Last Updated: 4/11/19

Active Member: I pop in now and again when I get the modding bug.


Playable Races:

Altmer, imperials, the american-sounding nords, haha. I personally think I do a decent Khajiit.



I know some of the basics of building followers and am working on a custom one right now with the creation kit, so I'm not 100% clueless as to the process of how the audio works and whatnot. In terms of voice acting I've been doing the female voices as needed for a friend's podcast, and have had a persistent interest in voice acting for a long time. Just now kind of getting the courage to do something about it.


Past Roles:

:excl: Melea Entius in Interesting NPCs (sample video)

:excl: Female 'high elf' justiciar in Ripple's Inconsequential NPCs

:excl: Mephala in EnaiSiaions's Daedraverse

:excl: The Marker in Spectraverse - Magic of the Magna-Ge

:excl: Pilvi-Hinnesh and Young Potema in Rigmor's Rigmor of Cyrodiil: Dragonchild



Can make just about any type of audio file (Including the 44100 Hz wavs required for skyrim voices). Know my way around Audacity to a reasonable degree. Have pretty good audio quality. Have a small amount of knowledge on the Creation Kit so I'm not doing this totally blind.


About Me:

What can I say? I love Skyrim, have 1500+ hours logged in it, would love to help out with some mods.

Edited by EvilSeedlet
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I'm looking for a voice actress for my standalone follower, Gretchen for some basic custom follower dialogue, and no quests yet.


She is a tall young Nord and I'd like her to have a strong but graceful voice, not too low but not high or sultry. Something possibly between FemaleEvenToned and FemaleNord, but not as clipped and slightly rude sounding as Mjoll. She's a sweet person and should sound like it.


A natural Scandinavian accent would be ideal, but could be mildly faked as long as it sounds authentic.


A film example of the overall tone would be Gwendoline Christie's voice in Game of thrones. Strong, but graceful and not forceful in my opinion. A little younger sounding than her is ok. Gretchen is in her early 20's.


If this sounds like something anyone can do and is interested PM me to discuss.


Thank you!






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Severage (SevVocal)
Actor Stats

Age: (Nearly) 24
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Last Updated: 6/6/2019 - Created a new post since I doubt anyone's going to scroll back a year looking for VAs.
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:

I don't particularly enjoy Nord accents, though I can get away with doing them. Orc, Dark Elf, High Elf, Khajiit, Imperial (Obviously), are my most proficient. I can pass an Argonian as well.

Specifically for Skyrim, I've made a custom-voiced follower myself, lent my voice to the likes of ETaC, The Great Civil War mod, a couple smaller quest mods, Dragon Age Origins Followers, and The Last Refuge, sequel to the Jerall Mountains quest mod.


  • I clean my own audio, if you have an engineer double-check it that's fine. For the most part, though, it should be free of background noise, mouth clicks, and other unwanted sounds. If you mention you have an engineer, I will not compress the audio myself and instead let them do it (This is for consistency's sake).
  • I spend a lot of time training my voice as both an actor and singer and thus have a good amount of time allotted for it - meaning I'll get to your work quickly.
  • Due to the above, I have a widely varying range. My voice is naturally light, medium-low, and smooth. I practice gravely characters a LOT, as many folks seem to want that, and most my roles require me to use a low voice. However, lighter and higher voiced characters aren't something I shy away from.
  • Just don't ask me to do an anime protagonist voice.
  • A fundamental grasp of many common accents. Scottish, French, common British dialects (Especially the more posh or Narration-sounding accents), Southern-US, Standard-US, (EU) Spanish, Skyrim-Nordic, Irish. All of these I'm confident in. I've also done Italian, Northeast-US, and German, though I've got work to do on these. If you want me to voice one of these last 3 or one I haven't listed here, please include a Reference Voice.
  • I'm something of an impressionist as well for all sorts of Character voices, again it will be easiest with a Reference Voice if you want me to do something out of the ordinary.


About Me:
Loved using my voice in funny ways since I was a child. I've been more serious about being a vocalist and singer for the past 2-3 years, improving all the time! My recording is sadly not of Professional Studio quality as I have a Blue Yeti, Pop Filter and some blankets. However, I treat my audio well and take great care not to have plosives and nasty artifacts all over the place. As mentioned, I also clean it myself to improve the perceived quality. It should be more than adequate for Skyrim.

I am not interested in roles for 18+ content of any kind, nor will I use profanity in my lines. If I'm sent lines including profanity, I will substitute words - or you can do that yourself before you send it to me.

Voice Samples:

My Character Demo Reel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zj4flmqaAM0


My CCC Page: https://www.castingcall.club/m/Severage


My Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/sev-vocal


The CCC page also has my demo there, and a feed of auditions I've submitted at the bottom of the page, if you care to look at that. My YouTube and Soundcloud both have hobby stuff as well, just whatever I felt like doing for fun. If you made it this far, kudos to you! Your attention span is greater than at least half the internet.

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Dubbias Dexian (DubbaD)


Age: 20

Race: Caucasian

Sex: Male


Playable Races:

I'd say that Imperial is my go-to. Seems to fit me naturally. Can also do a wimpy-sounding Breton and a grovel-y Dunmer (think Morrowind). Want to develop my Nord, Altmer, and Khajiit.




Small roles in Shumer: The Fall of Allagard https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60829


About Me:

The alteration of my chords began when I was a wee lad, wanting to do opera. Since that dream has died and gone nowhere, I began pursuing STEM-related education. For the longest time, people said that I had a really good voice, and some people thought I was a narrator during online gaming. Finally did some radio work with A.R.O.U.S.E at Ohio State. Now, as I move closer to graduation, I've decided to put myself out there with rudimentary equipment/software. Hopefully, I don't f**k it up.



-Blue Snowball



Voice Samples:

My Soundcloud: http://www.soundcloud.com/dubba_d


I'll be posting more samples on a semi-regular basis. Stay tuned...

Last Updated: 9/3/2019

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I'm interested in entering the voice acting scene soon but wanted to pitch something out there (I don't even know if I'm posting in the right area or not). I'm a fairly good proofreader and would be interested in helping a bit with that. The spelling/grammar is pretty distracting for me sometimes. Yes, I am a bit of a grammar nazi (sorry to those in De, I know that word is taboo) but I know I'm not the only one that has noticed some weird punctuation. Anyway, I'm offering my services for free if someone would be interested. I very much so prefer the dialogue to be submitted on a google sheet (or doc I guess but that is pretty messy). My spelling/grammar localization is US not UK and I have nothing to contribute to other languages. Since I'm interested in pursuing voice acting too though I guess I'll throw this stuff in too!


Actor Stats
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Race: White/Caucasian
Last Updated: 6/21/2019
Active Member: I plan to be.

Natural Accent: A teensy bit southern but have good control of it! lol

Place(s) of Residence: Southern US until mid 20's then midwest US from then on (only putting this to clarify what language/accent(s) I've been exposed to). No, the south will NOT rise again and YES the confederate flag sucks.

Time Zone: UTC -5

Playable Races:
I'd better stick with the same races as Hotemochick1992's races --> Nords and Imperials.

Minor advertising/DJ work for my employer but should be considered to be a beginner.

Can produce .wav format but may be able to produce others (that are open source).

Proofreading, editing (US English)

About Me:
I read aloud well and so figured I might have something to offer, elephino.

Voice Samples:
I've done some stuff for work and am getting my hands on it to post. Stay tuned...


Pretty (very) basic

Mic: Audio-Technica AT2020 Cardioid Condenser Studio XLR (with good shock mount, pop filter/windscreen)

Interface: Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (2nd Gen)

Software: Audacity

Won't whack:

Women and children wait... Crap, that was meant for a different forum. <-- this is a joke

Won't do:

Video chats

Give out my phone number or address

Nudity (no wait, it's a joke cuz it's voice act... never mind you ruined it).

Seriously though, not interested in anything that involves:

  • sex,
  • domestic abuse,
  • violence against non-malevolent/non-combatant characters, or
  • most nefarious themes involving children.


My wife and I are adopting soon! (our first child and so already know I'll be overwhelmed and yes my wife will take the brunt of it but I'm pathetic like that).

I work full time so weekends will be my most productive time.

I do not use WhatsApp, Weibo, VK, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Telegram, MySpace (lol) or any other form of social media. I do however make use of Reddit at times.

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Counterfiat (Mack D)

Twitter: @@NoNotTheInsane
Email: [email protected]
Actor Stats

Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Last Updated: 09/07/2019
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:

I haven't tried in voice work yet, but I'm sure I can do all of them. I've been running D&D for 5 years now and have voiced many NPCs. Gruff, evil, whimsical, dandy, creepy, raspy. You name it.


I've taken a course with Brendan Hunter and gained some guidance and instruction in the field that way. Other than that, I've ran D&D consistently for the past 5 years and uniquely voice all of my NPCs. I've also auditioned for a couple roles, but didn't get any word back.


I am a teacher full time so I do a lot of speaking out loud and my voice is well toned from that. I generally do silly voices just for fun in the classroom and enjoy readalouds with the kids, where I have unique voices for each of the characters.

As I've mentioned above multiple times, my main experience comes from running tabletop RPGs for the past 5 years.

  • A fundamental grasp of many common accents. Scottish, French, common British dialects, Southern-US, Canadian, Spanish, Skyrim-Nordic, Irish, Scottish. All of these I'm confident in.

I'm looking to get any experience I can, and this seems like a good place to get it.

Voice Samples:

My Demo Reel: https://soundcloud.com/falset/sets/voice-work-demo

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I'm up for helping anyone in need of a voice actor with a thorough and complex experience of their voice, be it singing or acting.


Chephren Parker




E-mail: [email protected]

Facebook: www.facebook.com/chephren.parker.52



Age: 17

Race: Caucasian/White

Gender: Male

Nationality: British

Active member?: Yes

Time zone: UTC + 1 (UK)

Natural Accent?: Neutral British (Indiscernible to any striking British accents. Though I hold some northern qualities in my speech. Think of it as just "British")


Playable Races:


(Effectively all of them to varying degrees. You can listen for yourself on my soundcloud.)

- Imperial

- High Elf

- Breton

- Khajiit

- Redguard

- Dark Elf

- Orc (Weaker)

- Wood Elf (Weaker)

- Argonian (Weaker)




(Extreme experience with voice. Enables me to control it to an advanced degree with differing tones, dynamics, projection and intonation.)

- A main role in the Rigmor of Bruma/Cyrodiil/Tamriel series

- 97/100 in LAMDA Silver for work in acting monologues written by modern, contemporary and historical playwrights. Gold is to be done next year.

- Playing the role of 'Malvolio' in Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night"

- A leading role in musicals such as "Les Miserables" and "Kiss Me Kate"

- 3 years singing professionally as a chorister

- Experience in the National Youth Choir

- 5 years in the Halle Youth Choir


About Me:


I'm just a guy looking to forge a career in entertainment be it singing or acting as making people happy is what inspires me to keep moving forward. That and I can't imagine myself working behind a desk. I'm here presenting myself in hopes that this investment may be able to enhance my credibility down that path and offer me more optionality. It's also a great hobby of mine and makes me thoroughly happy.


Voice Sampling:


Souncloud Link: https://soundcloud.com/chephrenp


Here I demonstrate what I'm able to perform at a very basic level. I have given each race different emotions for any listener to judge and attempted to improvise convincing lines that hopefully further allow you to believe in each performance. Please enjoy :happy: :smile: :smile:




Microphone: Audio-Technica AT2020 condenser microphone. (Complete with a dedicated deadened sound space, pop filter and stand.)

Audio Interface: Behringer UMC22

Software: Audacity




Having acted many...questionable characters, I understand that creating the most convincing and best character possible is fundemental in creating a story. I have no limits as to what I can act. Except for anything sexual involving underage characters.

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