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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Age: 31
Gender: Female
Last Updated: 6/15/2018
Active Member: Yes
Beginner, so be gentle. ;)
About Me:
I have a strong clear voice.


Have kind of crappy microphone but have plans to get a nicer one.
Voice Samples:


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Good day. I'm looking for two male voice actors willing to help me with a couple of lines. Honestly, the role is unpaid but credits are included in the mod page.


*An old man's voice (Around 9 lines of dialogue).

*A male villain's voice (Undefined. Around 200 lines). A tough man around his 30's. He can sound like the average nord voice or even the bandits' voice.


There is also a hero but he's currently being voiced (The follower).


If interested in helping this modder. Please, send your auditions to [email protected]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Need a male voice to play a main role in a Skyrim Machinima video. Unpaid as the series is just for fun. Of course credit is given.


Here are a few of the Skyrim Paranormal Investigation episodes so you can see what the series is about...


Skyrim Paranormal Investigation: The Pale Lady


Skyrim Paranormal Investigation: Bard's Leap Summit


Your background: You are a scribe from the Imperial City, sent to Skyrim to investigate legends and claims of paranormal activity. You have just arrived in Skyrim to take up the role as scribe to a renowned Researcher known as Galvus. You are star struck with Galvus having read all his notes on his investigations and consider working for such a person as the greatest honor a scribe could aspire too, and so you commence sucking up.


In this video the pair will be investigating a haunted inn near Falkreath. There will be quite a few lines as this is a main character and features throughout the what will likely be a 20min video.


Sample Lines:


1) 'If I may just say Master Galvus, it is such an honor for me to work with such a personage like yourself, I have read all of your works. Such insight, such theories....in particular I found your work on the Pale Lady to be so fascinating...your theories on her origins and motivations...so inspiring!'


2) 'Yes Master Galvus! I shall get that done straight away!'


3) [scared] I swear it is true Master Galvus. It was a dark shadowy figure that walked right down the hallway and straight into the wall!'


4) 'Erm...did you say something Master Galvus? Something about a sword?'



It is very important that you have a decent mic and the audio quality is decent as there is only so much I can do in Audacity.

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Severage (SevVocal)
Actor Stats

Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Last Updated: 7/28/2018
(Updated in a new post)
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:

Anything, depends more on the character than the race, I guess.

Professionally, just beginning. I made my own voiced mod, and am currently contributing to a couple other mods, but I've been doing voices and singing for years.

Will do most of the formatting/cleaning for you before I send you audio files.

I record for a couple hours nearly every evening, so I will almost always get to your work quickly.

Able to project emotion through my voice. Still working on crying/sad lines to sound convincing, but maniacal (psycho-sounding), laughter, anxiety, cold, anger, etc. should be no problem.
I sing, and have a wide range in both singing and voice acting due to it. Orcs to high elves, dragons to cheeky forest wisps.

A fundamental grasp of many common accents. Scottish, Irish, French, common British dialects, Southern (North American), Spanish, German, Russian etc. In some cases I may not excel at any given accent, they're not perfect and occasionally I run into sound combinations that are difficult to discover how a native-speaker would say them. In general I'm pretty confident with accents, however.



About Me:
Loved using my voice in funny ways since I was a child. I've been more serious about being a vocalist and singer for the past 2 years, so I'm familiar with understanding how to use my voice. I have a Blue Yeti and pop filter; my audio quality may not be top-of-the-line studio but it should be more than adequate for Skyrim.

I won't use profanity. I know, that's a weird caveat to have, and everyone and their mother will tell me "Bro just get over it", but personal convictions aside, I think it's unprofessional, and I don't care to do it.

Voice Samples:


My CCC Page: https://www.castingcall.club/m/Severage


My Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/sev-vocal


My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6R61BWQWD6vgqxE0MkglLw

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  • 4 weeks later...



Hello everyone! I'm looking for a male voice actor for my mod Yorgrim's Refuge.


The character is an Orc bandit, except they have more of a calm "reasoning" tone of speaking, apposed to a brutish voice you'd normally expect. The character has roughly 6, maybe 7-8 lines including generic dialogue.


Sample Lines:


"I don't know about you, but I dont think water and caves go well together."


"Do you truly believe he's going to keep watch?"


If you're interested in voicing, feel free to PM me.

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Invitation URL: https://discord.gg/CuH7wC4

The Skyrim Voice Alliance (TSVA) has more than 400 members, made up of voice actors, mod authors, writers, artists, video makers, and more.

If you're looking to assemble or join a modding team, or lend your talent to an Elder Scrolls project - this Discord server posts regular casting calls and provides you with support.

When you arrive, just let us know how you found us and what you seek to do - so we can provide you with the related role(s).

The new, as well as the experienced, welcomed. Our Discord is full of familiar names found across Nexus.

- khobis (TSVA Recruitment Lead)

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(the name I've done most modding work under)

Actor Stats

Age: 28
Gender: Male
Race: White

Nationality: British
Last Updated: 27/07/2018
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Men, mer, Khajiit. Happy to have a stab at anything.


I have performed in several amateur stage plays (mostly Shakespeare) and have done some voice acting work for Skywind as Dunmer and Bosmer characters.


  • Good with a different accents, vocal styles and pitches - see my soundcloud for examples of my range. As a native Briton I can do a number of different British accents, as well as decent Irish, North American, French etc. accents without sounding completely outrageous.
  • Can sing decently - put preferably in my normal voice!
  • I have good quality recording equipment and (now I've had more practice!) know how to use it.

Voice Samples:


Edited by genesis000
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I'm James, a long time Lurker, adverage Gamer, as well as Voice Actor with a good amount of experience. I've been in a decent amount games including but not limited to My Time At Portia (Available on Steam), Princess Battles (Available on Steam) and Yousei (SakeVisual)

You can hear and learn more about me at my site http://jamesgoins.com/ If anyone is looking for Voice Over for their project and would like to have me; just hit me up at james.goins @ gmail.com

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hello, I have been working on a quest mod for quite some time now, and am finally ready to cast all eleven of the quest's roles.

The mod is Fortune's Tradehouse. It adds a new marketplace to Markarth with new areas, quests, characters, and items. This is a lore friendly quest mod that will fit right in with the vanilla game.

Here is a link to the Casting Call! https://www.castingcall.club/projects/skyrim-fortune-s-tradehouse

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Hi Modders,


Long time player of mods, first time contributor to the community. I've been looking for an opportunity to get into voice acting and thought it worth popping a little note on here to see if anyone could use me.


For the vital statistics, I'm a 29 year old male from England (Sussex originally but moving around all the time) who can perform with several accents (BBC, Estuary, Newcastle, Scottish etc) who has trained specifically in Sound Design to degree level. I can clean and polish my own recordings, deliver them to you in whatever format you'd like and could probably bash out the edits within a day or so of receiving the script.


I enclose one of my audition tapes for an audiobook below to give you an idea of what I sound like (a liturgical tract for Terry Pratchett's 'Thud!', and perhaps a little sedate for some), so by all means contact me personally either through the forum or by emailing me at [email protected].




I will add other examples as time goes on, possibly in a nice centralised location where they can be accessed quickly.


Let me know if there's anything you think I'd be a good fit for!

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