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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Rigmor of Cyrodiil is the upcoming sequel to Rigmor of Bruma, in a special scene the Dragonborn arrives onto the battlefield to cheers and his/her name is chanted from the crowd.


Of course I don't have access to a crowd, so here's the deal. I need you budding VA's experienced or not, to chant, and cheers and a couple of other things. My plan is to merge any feedback I get into one file assimilating a crowd. I don't know how much support I'll get, but worth a shot and I don't have to badger my va's. How cool would it be to get your names on the upcoming game sized quest mod and have your name alongside such quality and pro va's as our Maggie, Shaye Olezewski, River Kanoff, Anna Castiglioni, Cassandra Wladyslava, Kelly Nugent, TheLoreSeeker, Raphael Perry, Roarbee, Jon Paul Ling, and many many more?


Check out the progress here:



What I need from you.


Cheer! (hurray, think of being in a crowd)

Oooh! (as if surprised by something you saw)

Aaah! (As is "I told you so")


The most important is the chant, make sure each syllable counts, don't rush it. Think "one two three" at a regular pace.




Here's a sample of what I need


Send your files, can be high mp3 or wav , and the name you want to be credited as for the movie credit roll and mod desc page to:


[email protected]


Bless you all, Rigmor (jim)

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Hello! Saw this thread and wanted to leave this here!

I'm a newcomer to the Skyrim modding community, and I'm about to begin working on a new follower mod: Ruti


I'm willing to put a lot of effort into this first mod, adding things such as a whole quest system to build up her background story, custom interactions with the world and NPCs, a bigger quest involving some of my next follower mods and so on. But I'd also like her to have a different voice than most of Skyrim's NPCs, so I'm creating this post on the search for a voluntary voice actress. The criteria are: if I think your voice fits her, you're in. That's all! When I publish the follower, I will add your name to the creators list, and any self-advertisement content you want for me to include. If you don't like that idea, it can also be anonymous, and I won't refer to you at all.

She is going to be a shy (half)Dark Elf destruction mage, which, I think, differs her to most of the other more popular custom voiced followers.

I do not have any interest in adding any sexual content to this mod, the closest to it being a kiss.

If you're interested, send me a message through the Nexus messaging system!

Also, if that's the wrong place for me to post this, do let me know! As I said, I'm new to all this...

Already found someone!

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Been wanting to give back to the community somehow and thought I might be able to contribute my voices.


Name on the Nexus: RangerDelk


About Me:

Real name is Joshua and I live in the USA. American English is my first language...and really my only language. I know a few words and general pronunciation of some other languages, but nothing conversational. Within the last year, I built a computer for the express purpose of having a machine that could run Skyrim with High/Ultra settings (and play a copy of Fallout 4 someone gifted me). I have a theater background with a little experience in video and sound, as well as a little experience in acting. I've practiced various accents that I've been hoping to put to good use instead of randomly speaking to no one in particular. I also like to try impressions. Mostly of film characters, but have tried real people too. I've successfully done Sean Connery once.



Have a theater background with a little acting, but very little actual voice acting. Can carry a tune. General tom-foolery with various accents and impressions.



Accents - Russian, Scottish, a couple variations of English, French(getting better), Australian, stereotypical Mexican/Spanish, Italian, USA-Southern/Redneck, Skyrim-Nord

Other - Hamster voice(what I call "hamster", it's not a voice I do publicly), Gollum-esque, Mickey Mouse, Jar Jar Binks, Goofy, some beatboxing/sound effects, Skyrim-Dremora

Tech: Basics of Audacity and sound editing


My Equipment:

Phone-based microphone or basic headset, nothing special.



A Skyrim Vacation - This was supposed to be the first in a series starring the two characters within. The character Neil is my regular voice, the character of Frenner (not named) is my attempt at a Nord voice.


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Gender: Female


Age: 22


Nationality: French


Soundcloud link


Experience: 11 years of theatre (from 8 to 19 years old), amateur voice acting for mods (such as The Forgotten City for Skyrim or Barrenwood for Fallout4), professional voice overs.


Other skills: Singing, bleating (that’s the name of the sound goats make. I’m dead serious about it), French accent (from small to very big and obvious).


About me: I’m a student in English Linguistic with a master degree in English (in French, it’s “Licence de LLCER Anglais” to be precise). I stopped theatre for personal reasons, but I still love acting, and have been doing some voice acting for the past 4 years. Sadly, most of the projects I was working on have been cancelled, so there is not a lot of project with my name in the credit. Even though I study it, my English is far from being flawless, please feel free to correct me. I’m only looking to improve! Apparently most of my French accent is gone, even though you can hear this is not my first language. As we’re taught the RP accent here, I might sound quite pretentious, and I do apologize for it. I like joking around quite a bit, but don't hesitate if you're not a fan of that. Just tell me what makes you more comfortable,


Contact me: You can contact me here on the Nexus, by mail at [email protected], on my English Twitter, on Soundcloud, on Casting Call Club or on Discord (Naorée#5541). If nothing specific is holding me back, you should have an answer to your messages withing a day! Just remember I'm in the Central European Standard Time, so I might answer during weird hours for you.


Thanks for reading everything, have a nice day/afternoon/evening/night o/ !

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I'm very pleased to see this thread growing!


I have been looking for voice actors for some time in anticipation of launching an all new channel (once I have finished building my new monster).


I've previously created videos under these now removed channels:


Misty City Productions

Beneath the Basement Studios


I removed these channels because of little things I did not like (regrettably - I wish I had left them up).


I have finished creating an entirely new logo for my new brand and will follow up here once I am ready to launch into production.


I am very much looking forward to jumping back into the full swing of video production and look forward to contacting and working with the great talent that will be found here, rendering beautiful 4K productions.


Thanks to all involved here and chat any time.

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Howdy everyone, my name is Gguy and i've recently started Skyrim SE mod making after switching over from fallout 4 mod making. My very first mod will be a detailed and immersive companion based off a character i made in ESO ages ago. Herntienic Freyax, a Breton mage that has his fair share of tales to tell. You will meet first meet Herntienic at the College of Winterhold, where he was recently appointed as a Wizard. He's a very busy man, but if you manage to convince him, he might just come along with you =P.

Now, Herntienic not only has his fair share of stories to tell (mostly about his past), but he also reacts on the world around him, the player and other such events. I plan to add more and more after the initial dialogue is voice acted.


Some of features:

-He will comment on quests

-He will have different things to say when you talk to him while it's raining and you're outside

-If you're in the middle of a snowstorm, he will shake and comment on it once you interact with him

-If you're in the middle of a snowstorm and have a torch out while talking to him, he might try to warm his hands (and comment on it).

-If you're trying to sneak with a torch, he will comment on it

-he has different dialogue when you're sneaking

-He will share interesting trivia if you travel to magic related locations, all from his personal knowledge.

-He will tell you more about himself, his origins and his mysterious past.

-There might be a few insanely hidden easter eggs that 99% of you will probably never find

-He will comment on locations

-He will comment on any Artifacts you might be carrying

-He starts off with empowered sparks, which stagger whoever they hit (unless they are immune), at higher levels he also gets an empowered Thunder bolt, which uses more magicka than a regular one, but can push people back like the unrelenting force shout can (doesn't work on enemies immune to pushing)



Generally, i will take one step at time, but there's a lot of cool and immersive things i can down with good o'l Hern, i just need a voice actor to help me bring him to live. Here's some info on Herntienic:



Age: 42

Occupation: College of Winterhold Wizard, Spell Crafter, Researcher.

Affiliation: College of Winterhold

Former Affiliation: secret =P

Voice range: Medium-slightly deeper

Traits: Married to his work, he is open minded and indifferent in most cases, not a stranger to bending rules in order to further magical advancements, he has no love for those filled with arrogance, he is easily annoyed by those lacking dedication.

Personality: He usually speaks in a rather neutral tone, he usually uses very long and formal/official sounding words (Very well then, i suppose i shall return to my duties, you can find me back at the college if you require further assistance/Are you in need of my expertise?)


The mod is currently only planned for Skyrim SE, since i don't own the original anymore =P. Btw, i don't want to come off harsh here, but try to only apply if you plan on finishing the project, i had spent the last 4 years working day and night (until i nearly passed out) trying to get my creations out there, but then none of them ever did because the voice actors left mid production for one reason or another. Everyone has their lives to tend to, i get it, but if you expect stuff like that to happen, don't apply for large roles.

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Long or short-term, (meaning whether you have the time to help out with an NPC or two for one town, or you want to hang out for the next five years of your life and help out with a bunch of towns.) Most assignments will be quick, as the majority of the NPCs voiced just provide a little backstory on themselves, their families or the town. Some longer assignments are given for quest NPCs, who would obviously have additional dialogue.


We need both male and female VAs - Nord parts will be most common because Skyrim. If you're able to do Argonians, Khajiits or Orcs, that's a plus, as those are always hard to find... but you name it, we need it - All races / ages / accents are welcome lol.


My only requirements are that you please have good recording equipment, and that you must have discord.

(This is where we do all our file sharing / where I will be posting scripts for you / where you can find me (and the writers) should you have any questions or concerns / it also makes it much easier to get ahold of you quickly for when re-records are needed / etc.)


If interested, feel free to shoot me a PM :smile: thanks muchly!

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