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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Looking for a Voice Actor - Male Khajiit



Right now I'm working on a mod that adds new quests to the game, and I've got a spot that I need to be filled for a male Khajiit. He's a criminal - an assassin, a thief, and a very cocky cat. If you want more information, you can find it here.


If you're interested, PM me or email me at [email protected] and I'll check out your sample to see if it looks good. If your sample on your resume doesn't have one of you doing a Khajiit voice, including a link or download to a Khajiit sample would be really helpful.


Thanks to Siolas, and to the whole thread for giving a place to find VAs.

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I created a thread where I collected some VA tips. I think some of it might be helpful to you guys. It's called Voice Acting Tips and Tricks for Veteran and New Voice Actors. A long name, I know.

If you'd like to add something to the list or disagree with a particular article, then tell me and I'll see if I can fix it or add it.

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(Pronounced: Turret-guy-36)


Actor Stats



Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Caucasian/ Canadian

Active Member: I now will be


Playable Races:

I will try out for anything, but would be better at any human race, mainly Imperial or Breton.



5 years of voice acting in Machinimas.

6 years of voicing on my own YouTube channel in over 800 videos.



I sound like I’m the character, not someone reading a script.

I can show emotion through my voice if needed.

I am very familiar with Audacity.

I will handle any role professionally.


About me:

I am partnered with Machinima.

I am an Administrator at http://machinimaunion.shivtr.com

I Direct Machinimas as well as voice act in them.

Skyrim is one of my all time favourite games and I’ve always wanted to voice as a character in a mod for it.


Voice Samples:

I voice act as the co-star, “Yellow”, in this Halo 3 Machinima Series:

Full Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1pLvkd-X28pI1Ett2hHtlAVvR8KPlFsv

Single Episode (Episode 4): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2l7-MrxNGw


I voice act as 8 of 9 characters in this Halo: Reach Machinima:



I sing (as the Blue Spartan) in this Halo 3 Machinima Short:



Here is Part 16 of a Let’s Play of Skyrim to show how I talk unscripted:



Here is a video I voice act in on another YouTuber’s channel:


(I voice “Steve”, the green guy)


And here I host a Weekly show (as myself):




Hopefully that is good enough for anyone here, and I hope I can find a role as a mod character here sometime soon.

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Alex Jolly
Actor Stats

Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: White/Cacasian
Last Updated: 03/07/14 (EU date format)
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:

My accent is a deep British accent so all human races are doable.

I can do a noble/posh accent so High Elf is also a possibility.

Bosmer I will give a shot, I just have to get the upbeat sprightly nature dialed.



Starting out

I can do a deep Steve Blum esque voice (but obviously English/British)

I can do both noble, commoner and criminal voices.

About Me:
I am from the North of England but went to boarding school thus my ability to switch accents. I have a good mic (Blue Yeti) and I also host a slot on a internet radio station twice a week. I figure voice acting is something I'd like to get into so why not start here.

Voice Samples:

Available on request (Either recorded radio shows or I can read sample transcripts you provide or any similar characters from movies, TV or Anime I can act out)

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Alex Jolly

Actor Stats


Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race: White/Cacasian

Last Updated: 03/07/14 (EU date format)

Active Member: Yes


Playable Races:

My accent is a deep British accent so all human races are doable.

I can do a noble/posh accent so High Elf is also a possibility.

Bosmer I will give a shot, I just have to get the upbeat sprightly nature dialed.




Starting out



I can do a deep Steve Blum esque voice (but obviously English/British)

I can do both noble, commoner and criminal voices.


About Me:

I am from the North of England but went to boarding school thus my ability to switch accents. I have a good mic (Blue Yeti) and I also host a slot on a internet radio station twice a week. I figure voice acting is something I'd like to get into so why not start here.


Voice Samples:

Available on request (Either recorded radio shows or I can read sample transcripts you provide or any similar characters from movies, TV or Anime I can act out)


Could you do a sample of you reading the following:


  • Hello. I haven't seen you around here before. Are you lost?
  • Get out of my house, you dirty thief!
  • I don't suppose you get to the Cloud District very often. Oh, what am I saying. Of course you don't.
  • Hmm. I suppose you could be good for the job. Have you killed before?

Naturally, sample 1 would be somewhat curious, sample 2 would be angry, and sample 3 would be condescending/snarky. Sample 4 you can interpret however you want. While I don't have a job for you right now, I'm working on a large quest mod which will require a lot of voice actors, and I don't want to go the way Skyrim did with 80 NPCs and 6 voice actors, so if I like what I hear I'll probably have something to do for you at some point.

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Vincent S. Lindberg

Age: 23
Gender: Weener
Race: Pigskin
Active: :laugh: Indeed

Experience: I'm a singer and good at making an instrument of my voice; I'm experienced in acting extreme voices

Skills: Music producer, singer, songwriter, guitarist...None of that is relevant, I know... Luckily I'm a pretty decent voice actor aswell

About Me: I luv games and I love custom content. I wanna help ye guys make games better

Voice Samples:


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Toni Sattler (Lyrahel)


Latest Update: 07/04/2014


Age: 26
Gender: Male
Active: Newbie/Yes


Experience: Trying to get into more projects. So far there are a few, but they are not fully released yet.

Payable races: I'll try whatever you want, except females. I could try an old granny though. xD (I will add some new examples for races soon)


Voice Samples:

I didn't focus on voice acting that much before and just had my ball with it, but I want to get involved in way more projects in general and maybe meet some nice people along the way.


Here are some examples of what I am currently doing:

I am showing this video for the Voice Acting only. xD




Here are some voice samples for other characters reading "the Prophecy of the Nedes" of Prometheus's Issgard Mod:



And here is a Voice Reel of me imitating some League of Legends Characters:

(Don't worry about the small background noise, this is an older Recording.)



About: If you want to let my try some character/s just write me a PM. :smile: I won't bite.

Edited by Lyrahel
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Edoserax and I looking for a replacement voice actor for our mod Vath Firehall. Vath is an already established mod with a decent fan base. The previous voice actor has disappeared and will no longer acknowledge any attempts to contact him.


Vath's role is pretty big, and has a decent amount of dialog along with several quests. We are hoping to find a new voice actor that could help us. Someone who likes challenges and will not disappear after recording 10 lines of dialog. I really don't have a preconceived notion about what the follower should sound like, so the voice actor will have free range to try out what suits them the best. We can not afford to pay for this position, but will give ample credit and great appreciation. We have a lot of new and exciting things planned for Vath's future hopefully we can find someone willing to help out.

Please check out the video or mod and message me some voice samples if you are interested.


Mod Link: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32648/?


Description: Vath Firehall is currently employed as a guard in Whiterun. He can be a bit of a sarcastic loudmouth sometimes, not taking his work to seriously. He causes Commander Caius endless grief, losing his job three to four times a week. The Commander always ends up hireing him back, due to a debt that he owes the Firehall family from long ago. Although one day Caius still swears he will rid Whiterun of the troublemaker once and for all. It's not that Vath doesn't want to do his job, there are just so many more interesting and fun things to do besides patrol all day. In the end it might take him a while but, at least he always finishes his job, much to the Commanders relief. Vath is really not to sure what to make of all this Dragonborn business, but to him it sounds like allot of trouble.



Edited by shadowtigers
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Actor Stats

Age: 20
Gender: Male
Active Member: Yes/Newbie

Playable Races: Mainly roles with deep male voices.

Starting out.


I try my best to sound like the character rather than a read script.

I know how to use software such as Audacity and Logic pro (however I don't have Logic)

About Me:
I have been told that my voice is pretty manly so I figured I would give some Acting a shot. http://tesalliance.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/aa_smile.gif

PM me if you have any questions.

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Looking for someone that can do Sean Beans voice or at least something close to it. I'm making a follower mod for Ned stark which has a very detailed custom facial texture specific to him. Can anyone do his voice?

If you don't know who Sean bean or ned stark is, here's his voice:

He's the guy on the big iron chair with swords in it

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