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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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are there any voice actors out there with any interest in recording some dialogue for male and female mer and orc children?


This is for the Skyrim Child Overhaul mod.


Orcs in particular need a voice actor as the standard voice just doesnt fit at all. Mer is a nice to have.


If anyone is interested, please PM me for details.





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Can you maybe tell me in which samples the EQ is over zealous? Is it on all or is it acceptable for the orc and undead voice overs? :D

It's boomy on all of them. I would cut the Freq. below 100Hz...


Wow, thank you for these long posts.

However I will have to read it a few times since I don't really understand anything you are talking about :D


I wasn't actually doing the EQ by myself, Audacity has this option to get bass boost and treble boost so I just did that.

So you suggest not touching it at all or just do it slightly?


Sorry for bothering you with so many questions, I am gonna look it up on the internet as well.

Thanks ^^

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Wow, thank you for these long posts.

However I will have to read it a few times since I don't really understand anything you are talking about :D


I wasn't actually doing the EQ by myself, Audacity has this option to get bass boost and treble boost so I just did that.

So you suggest not touching it at all or just do it slightly?


Sorry for bothering you with so many questions, I am gonna look it up on the internet as well.

Thanks ^^


No bother! I'm happy to help when I can!


It would probably be best for you not to touch the EQ at all if you know that the client has an engineer for that. A plain audio file with no adjustments is optimal in that situation.


But in the case of auditioning or if the client expects good sounding files when they get them from you you will benefit by understanding how to use the full EQ and not just the pre-programmed bass or treble options.


Here is a video that might help you out: Audacity Tutorial How To Use Eq...


If you need more basic information in general about Equalization and how it works click here. That's a good place to start.


It's also helpful to know a bit about compression, so take a look at this also.


You're recordings are generally good, so you shouldn't need to do major tweaks. Just play with it. That's the fun part!


Of course, there's tons of info online. Some is good while some not so much... :wink:

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Hi, I'm right now just starting to design my first mod in Skyrim. I do have experience coding computer games but I've never done a mod before or worked with voice actors. Can anyone explain to me the process of working with voice actors? A few specific questions I have are: how feasible is it to find 4 Orc men and 3 Orc women voices? Is it common for some voice actors to do multiple voices? If I have a script ready in, say, one month, how long does the process of working with voice actors usually take? I'm not in a rush, I don't mind it taking as long as it needs to take, just looking for a ballpark estimate. I'd like to have the mod done in August.


I am nowhere near ready to start working with voice actors, I still need to design the details of each character and write a script. Just want to get a feel for the process first.


In case anyone finds this interesting, it's a mod to allow you to become the Chief of an Orc Stronghold. It'll add a new stronghold to the map, with a handful of new characters (~4 men and ~3 women), with a questline where you can either kill the Chief and replace him yourself (if you are an Orc) or help one of the other Orcs challenge the Chief (if you are an Orc or any other race).

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Hi, I'm right now just starting to design my first mod in Skyrim. I do have experience coding computer games but I've never done a mod before or worked with voice actors. Can anyone explain to me the process of working with voice actors? A few specific questions I have are: how feasible is it to find 4 Orc men and 3 Orc women voices? Is it common for some voice actors to do multiple voices? If I have a script ready in, say, one month, how long does the process of working with voice actors usually take? I'm not in a rush, I don't mind it taking as long as it needs to take, just looking for a ballpark estimate. I'd like to have the mod done in August.


I am nowhere near ready to start working with voice actors, I still need to design the details of each character and write a script. Just want to get a feel for the process first.


In case anyone finds this interesting, it's a mod to allow you to become the Chief of an Orc Stronghold. It'll add a new stronghold to the map, with a handful of new characters (~4 men and ~3 women), with a questline where you can either kill the Chief and replace him yourself (if you are an Orc) or help one of the other Orcs challenge the Chief (if you are an Orc or any other race).

Plenty common for one VA to do multiple chars.

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Here is an updated voice acting video just of me doing some, Misc voices: (Yes I do know of the occasional *Pops* with my mic, I should of had my filter farther away. Of course I would never submit audio to a mod maker like that though. This is for reference purposes only.)


Here is a little peak at a mod in development by the user "Shezrie." I have done the voice acting for a certain "CutThroat" in a Tavern. Thanks to Shezrie for giving an early access video, and letting it be used in this demo. (The in game Lip-sync is a little off at times, but not done yet so please keep that in mind.)




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