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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Name: Erin

Age: Mid 30's

Sex: Female

Origin: Canada

Availability/Active: Casual - I can't commit to big roles right now. Temporarily Closed - A project idea struck me this morning. Will come back to edit when available.


Experience: NEW TO NEXUS - BRAND NEW TO VOICE ACTING FOR OTHERS - I have voice acted solo machinimas since around '07. Various games, mostly WoW.


Online Voice References: None atm. Looking to make a new account somewhere for voice samples. I will update when I have them ready. LP Voice Sample can be found here. (Note: This was script-read.)


Playable Races: As I'm just starting out, I'm probably best voicing human females, followed by elf and Khajiit. Young to middle-aged. I may be able to voice boys of the same races.


Skills: I have an uncanny ability to inadverdently attach to accents for a period of time, much to the amusement of others. My natural speaking voice is melodic - clear & crisp with strangers & 'mumbly' with friends. It is a mixed Canadian accent - West to East, non-French. I can do a very good Narrator/Storytime voice. I am willing to research & practice for a specific role as needed.


Flaws: I'm self-trained & not used to voice acting for others. I'm also a shy person & do not like using real time voice chat. It is best if I record on my own time rather than through voice chat or my voice quality will be compromised. I understand that won't fly for some folks, they're welcome to skip me.


Equipment: Good computer w/ cable connection, USB microphone & use Wavosaur for audio recording.

Time Restraint: As I'm new to voice acting for others & don't have a lot of time to commit I'll be turning down large roles. I can easily do 'one-liners' for small-role characters. If you're interested in contacting me, you need to give me ample time to respond to PMs. Up to a few weeks. This lets me take the time to slot you in & focus on your project as much as possible.


Notice: I do ask for credit if my voice is used. I will voice only for non-profit mods/uses. I will not voice sexually explicit and/or torture-related content.

Edited by OrangeblossomGaming
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Gender: Female

Race: Imperial

Age: 20's

Occupation: Merchant

Bio: Eriana is a young, would-be trader who has brokered a few deals in the past for Auryen Morellus, the museum curator and she joins the new Explorer's Society guild you create with him and takes the position as the guild quartermaster and opens a small shop in the guild house. She has recruitment intro lines, so general chit chat and merchant lines, a few scene lines or general dialog and some minor lines during two excavation quests

Voice notes: I'm looking for an energetic, hopeful type of voice



Whoa, weird. I come to offer my voice on this thread & see this containing one of my main character's names, which is also a play off my RL name. I guess that's sorta cool timing! Shame I can't voice this one for you, ICA.


Name: Erin

Age: Mid 30's

Sex: Female

Origin: Canada

Active: Casual - I can't commit to big roles right now.

Experience: NEW TO NEXUS - BRAND NEW TO VOICE ACTING FOR OTHERS - I have voice acted solo machinimas since around '07. Various games, mostly WoW.

Online Voice References: None atm. Looking to make a new account somewhere for voice samples. I will update when I have them ready.

Playable Races: As I'm just starting out, I'm probably best voicing human females, followed by elf and Khajiit. Young to middle-aged. I may be able to voice boys of the same races.

Skills: I have an uncanny ability to inadverdently attach to accents for a period of time, much to the amusement of others. My natural speaking voice is melodic - clear & crisp with strangers & 'mumbly' with friends. It is a mixed Canadian accent - West to East, non-French. I can do a very good Narrator/Storytime voice. I am willing to research & practice for a specific role as needed.


Flaws: I'm self-trained & not used to voice acting for others. I'm also a shy person & do not like using real time voice chat. It is best if I record on my own time rather than through voice chat or my voice quality will be compromised. I understand that won't fly for some folks, they're welcome to skip me.


Equipment: Good computer w/ cable connection, acceptable uni-directional microphone & use wavosaur for audio recording.


Time Restraint: As I'm new to voice acting for others & don't have a lot of time to commit I'll be turning down large roles. I can easily do 'one-liners' for small-role characters. If you're interested in contacting me, you need to give me ample time to respond to PMs. Up to a few weeks. This lets me take the time to slot you in & focus on your project as much as possible.


Notice: I do ask for credit if my voice is used. I will voice only for non-profit mods/uses. I will not voice sexually explicit and/or torture-related content.


What's the exact microphone/and could we have a couple samples?

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Big fan of Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout 3 & NV, and have frequented their Nexus sites for years. People have been doing excellent work with voiced Skyrim mods as of late, and I wanted to help contribute to the community in some way. I have a decent chunk of experience with both acting & editing, so I'm confident I can provide acceptable sound bytes for serious modders.

Name: Micah

Age: Late 20's

Sex: Male

Origin: USA

Active: I can commit to both small and large roles for serious mod projects only. (Unfortunately, not for test or practice projects)

Experience: Been on Nexus for years, but haven't posted until now. (IMDB)

Online Voice References: Mini VO Demo - Soundcloud. (Go here for more extensive acting work)

Playable Races: Any. Well, for the most part. (I can do a wide variety of accents, tempos & tones).

Skills: I can produce and edit my own audio bytes. All I need is a script, some direction, and for the modder to specify how he/she wants to files broken up, encoded, and delivered. (The first part of my above VO sample was recorded with my current audio setup.)

Equipment: RODE Shotgun Mic, H4N, CS6 (Audio Editing)

Time Restraint: I have a very short turnover time. Depending on the size of the role, anywhere from one day to a week.

Credit: All I ask is to be credited in the usual credits section of the description box of that particular mod.

Do's/Dont's: Anything up to an "R" rating. (Nothing "XXX" or similar.)

Edited by Guest
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Well, time to throw myself into the fire i guess. eager to contribute to the community here and as far as my skills go, this is what i can offer.

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Origin: Australia

Activity: I am willing to commit to roles both big and small. Although, i am on the other side of the globe from most modders.

Experience: Not much. At all. But hey, what better way to get it than working with the awesome modding community here?

Races: Anything but the orcs. I dont thing i would be able to do it justice.

Credit: All i need is a metion in the description.

Skills: I like to think i can do a fairly wide range of voices. grumpy old man to wimpy kid. Scottish to highly offenceive Arabian. I can record and edit lines on my own. all i need is a script and a breif description of the character.


PM me if you're interested.

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