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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Hello guys, name is Simdrew1993 I am a professional Voice Actor and Graphic Artist, sometimes I work on hobby projects voicing for games, machinima, stop motion videos and animations. On the side I also work on my own mods, voicing and creating faces of characters in video games.



Actor Info:

Age: 23, EDIT: now Age 25 as of DEC 2018

Active Member: yes, for the most part.

Gender: Male

Skills: I can edit my recording clips, so when I send them they'll be all ready to go! And no work will be required on your part except for implementing into the game or adding sfx but everything should be great! I have very great talent, I've been in several mods over the past few years, and animation films. I'm part of Skyrim Bruma - Elsweyr project team and am also part of the Skyrim Voice Acting Alliance. See here my Acting below in the links:




Equipment I have a top of the line Studio Quality Mic, my own home Studio, a high quality Pop Filter, Pre-Amp, and even a Vocal Booth so recording is an option even at most times when others normally would not be able to record and it blocks out just about all background noise with proper sound absorption and treatment. Although I record in a quiet room anyway, so it usually isn't needed but I record in the Booth anyway time to time. Quality is top notch and superb, and pretty much what you'd get in a Studio, with me maybe even better.. I usually bring great success to those I work with, and I will go above and beyond to get the project done, and do my best so that everyone is happy!

Range: Wide range, can do ages of kid, teen, young adult, adult, middle age, elder, evil, robotic, alien, demon, elven, Russian, British, Spanish, French, Indian, Skyrim Khajiits, Argonians, Orcs, deep, mysterious, Dragons, I'm best with authoritative commanding deep villain voices, I'm very good with accents! Anything from funny, to extremely serious and dramatic. I even do narration!

Nationality: American

I am extremely good with Skyrim accents mostly for the Khajiit accent, can do Thalmor high elves, and many others like Orcs, I can do Nords too but not really a fan of their Terminator accent, I prefer doing Khajiit, Orc, or High elves more. Although I have voiced in many mods, including..

The Brotherhood Of Old

I Voiced a Khajiit named J'Zakar, you can see him in the trailer:


He's the one that says "Did you bring us here to kill one of them? Or all of them?"

YouTube gameplay video with J'Zakar,




Ambriel the Lost Princess

I voiced 5 characters in this mod, a Khajiit named Neetrano, an elder Thalmor Ambassador Aronado, a Thalmor Soldier, an Imperial Chancellor, and then a Dragon named Toorsil. I was even featured in one of MXR's videos. He highly complimented my acting skills and said I had dope and boss voice acting. See videos here and mod links.


My characters are in this first video but he talks about my voice in video 2.

In the second video at about 21:38 he talks about my Khajiit, and at 32:42 about the Dragon I played.


Mod links below:



Here There Be Monsters


Voiced a small shipwrecked little boy.

Here There Be Monsters Sign Of Cipactli


Voiced a Sload called Nyx, The Naga race, Kothringi Natives, and Argonian Legionnaires.

And Crestfallen by JKrojmal and Treacleman

Not out yet.. TBA

I also played the role of Ganon, Ganondorf, and King Hyrule in this awesome Legend of Zelda animation


If I do voice for you would have course have to credit me properly as Simdrew1993 in your credits, link to my pages and if possible give me some positive endorsement like Kudos, and perhaps a positive testimonial I can share online for my hard work for others to see. Acting is my passion so I may love to voice for your projects, depending on the project and if I'm interested in it or not.

Send me a message if you are interested in what I have to offer and I may be able to help you out. :smile:

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Name: Jacob Rabin


Age: 20


Gender: Male


Active Member: Yes


Nationality: American


Skills: Trained in audio production, music production, improv, and stage acting.


Accent Range (Greater Accents Italicized): Eastern American, Canadian, Native American, Russian, British, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Israeli, Scandinavian


Character Range: Gruff, Nerdy, Genuine, Scared, Demonic, Posh, Jerk


Age Range: Early Teenager, Young Adult, Middle-Age


Willing to do most any characters, and other audio services. I would prefer to be credited as my real name in anything I'm in.

Edited by jake4316
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Please read this post fully before you PM me as most of the information for the Characters is here.


Ok guys I am currently looking for 2 female voices for my two followers. I'm gonna need NPC, Follower and marriageable Dialogue for both Characters, and also pm me if you need more information about the character to help you fit the role.





Alexandra Is a feisty brunette Imperial. She is also marriageable, she currently uses the Vanilla Commando voice. She can be very loyal and also very vicious in Battle. Her base characteristics are a mature ex service person her Idol is Xena the warrior princess and that is also the inspiration for her.





Alysa is a young Nord Red Head archer who is quite playful yet serious when the need arises, she is currently using the Vanilla Young Eager voice, she too is Marriageable.


Anyone interested please pm me with samples and include which character you are trying out for in the subject so I know which folder to put them in then I will get my mate to help me pick the voice and I will pm you with the results.

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Actor Stats


Age: 17 (almost 18)
Gender: Male
Race: White
Last Updated: 2/27/2016
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Dark Elf, Imperial

None with Skyrim Mods, but I have voice acted in a few of my personal videos.

Can use many accents, good knowledge of Audacity and shaping my voice.

About Me:
I've been interested in acting since the age of seven, so now that I'm not doing anything theatre wise, I thought I'd try my hand at voice acting. My vocal range is baritone (slightly deep), but I can experiment with whatever voice you want me to do!

Voice Samples:


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Hello guys,


I am in serach of 2 male voiceactors who can do Dunmer/Darkelf voices. The first character has 26 lines and is a noble Redoran warrior. The second character has 6 lines and is an egoistic Hlaalu merchant. The script is ready to be send to the voice actor/actors and the lines are already implemeneted in my quest. I now just need the voice file to add them :smile:


Please message me via pm (maybe even with samples and/or soundcloud links? :smile: )

Edited by TWarrior
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