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Custom NPC Appearance Issues [NOT dark face bug]


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Hey all. I'll start by saying right off the bat that this is NOT about the dark face problem. I know how to resolve that one just fine. What I am having a hard time with, though, is getting a custom NPC to use my custom appearance at all.


I created her appearance in the racemenu, named her, exported the appearance using the "spf" command, and then imported the face in the NPC window. But in both the preview window and the game itself, she defaults to a vanilla appearance and retains only eye colour and makeup (both vanilla assets - though the makeup was customised through Expired's RaceMenu mod).

I am using a number of cosmetic appearance-altering mods in addition to ApachiiSkyHair; do these need to be loaded into the CK along with my plugin? If so, how do I load multiple master files at once? If not, what am I doing wrong?

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So, loading the appropriate Apachii files did not solve my problem. The CK is still assigning her a hair from the vanilla assets. Also, when I find the Apachii hairs in the hairs dropdown list, the majority of them display in the preview window as completely bald. I also can't seem to manually set the proper hair colour - again, I can only choose from, vanilla assets.

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I think I've figured out the problem. Part of it, at least. While for some reason the spf command is refusing to save a modded hair to the exported appearance, I managed to figure out which of the bald-headed styles was the one I needed - they evidently appear significantly above the rendered head image, and were simply out of my field of view.


That still leaves the issue of saving a customised colour to the hairstyle. Can I manually adjust RGB levels or the like in the CK, or do I need another utility for that?

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