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An idea i have had...


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I have an idea to make Daedric versions of all the Apparatus/tools in morrowind, maybe a few new weapons aswell, for example:


A Daedric lockpick and Probe, Daedric alchemy sets and weapons that havn't been covered by the Daedra, like Crossbows, Halberds and Broadswords


I was wondering if anyone has used the idea already, Because there are too many house mods, Loads of stuff has been added to morrowind by mods, but not too many expand on the origional game...

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To my knowledge, no, no one has made a plug-in that includes "Daedric Lock Picks". Let me guess though, they weigh ten pounds and cost 25K gold pieces?


I like the look of just about anything Daedric ... I just don't like the weight. So while I think a few more Daedric weapons would be cool, I think you might be overdoing it just a little bit with the Daedric picks and probes. That's just me though, I'm sure someone else out there would love you for it.

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Don't forget the Daedric shovel :P


How about Daedric potion bottles, Daedric amulets with a very high enchant value - and perhaps rare and valuable Daedric coins?


The weight of those Daedric items could be a problem, though, as has been pointed out....especially for the adventurer who never leaves a potion or lockpick behind just in case they might come in handy....

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I have been thinkin maybe seeing if i can get the Dremora head models and adding them to thier own body, as an actual unplayable race and creating rare creatures to put my stuff on, eg:


Dremora Mage: wears a Daedric robe, has randomly spawned gear like Daedric alchemy set bits, maybe some jewelry as Theta Orionis suggested, )But im not sure what Daedric Jewelary would look like (if it even existed) ill put it on the "Maybe" list) Maybe add something like a spellstaff, Unlike normal staves they no practically no damage at all, because of thier magickal nature, but have a daftly high enchant value (like 50pts or somethin).


Maybe stuff like a kinda Daedra that is spawned outside the limits of shrines, so you could have a Daedra "Hunting" mortals out in the wilderness, like Dremora Rangers, who are armed with something "badass" like a Daedric crossbow, which by normal Daedric stats, would prob do 35-35 up to 45-45 damage, Instead of the using lonbows, because the way the AI uses bows (as in pulls the bow back an inch and then fires, only to achive 15 damage tops) really annoys me...


I want to give combat against them that more "tactical" feel, instead of charge the Marksman and beat the snot outta em with ur "Daedric Dai-Katana of utter kickass" (which is enchanted to absorb health all the way, of course :P )


So instead of charging the Dremora (and being made into a pincushion) you take cover and run between cover to close on your opponent :ph34r:


In the case of a Daedric Open faced helm, ill have to think bout that, cuz i have heard more than one cry for that...


As for the shovel... ill... er... "Consider" it... :rolleyes:


I would appreciate any ideas/feedback for this, cuz i have a LOT of free time on my hands and my Morrowind play disc is on lend to a friend of mine now (i know, its a crime against morrowindism, to remove your own means of playing the game :( ) so ill be using TES:CS quite a bit, but won't be able to test anything i make, at least not for a few days till my m8 gets lost in the ashlands, gets pissed off and gives me my game back, and borrows sonething more to his "intellectual" standard: like Quake 3...

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