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Fallout 3 Mods - List of Mods Needed For Bashed - Merged Patch


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I am currently modding Fallout 3 for another play through and I am looking to hopefully create a list of mods that would require a Bashed or Merged Patch so if anyone wants to contribute with as many mods as they can think of that would require a bashed or merged patch for a full play through in Fallout 3. Mods like FWE and those adding items to leveled lists obviously so if anyone can think of specific mods and list them please this would really help.

I want to create a Bashed or Merged patch and if anyone has some good options for doing so it would be greatly appreciated. I am not as clear for doing that in FO3 and any ideas would help. Feel free to share your load orders too.

Thank you.

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