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How to pay for premium membership without PayPal?


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I would also want to buy premium for nexusmods, however paypal straight up does not support payments from Uzbekistan. Even though I bought nexusmods supporter or whatever its called that removes ads a couple of years ago.

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I also wanted to buy premium because i recently discovered wabbajack with its autoinstalling modpacks. But Paypal asks for WAY TOO MUCH personal information to register an account. So thats not happening. Guess we wait :sad:


You can checkout as a guest without registering an account.

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I'm also hoping for more payment options soon. Paypal is not an option for me. Maybe the guest version if it really works without giving more data than necessary, we'll see.


EDIT: I tried the guest thing from PayPal and they already had my full name and adress although I never had any contact with this company. Can't remember if I had given this information already to Nexusmods in a previous purchase of Premium membership - if so, Nexusmods might have transferred the data to PayPal for this transaction. Anyway, I couldn't finish the payment because PayPal wouldn't let me without entering my Phone number. I don't see why this would be needed for a payment transaction. Didn't try with a fake number, anyone?


EDIT2: Did a little google and I think the Phone number as a requirement is not by PayPal but by Nexus Mods. According to information on the PayPal pages, if you enable Guest Checkout in your business account, you can decide if you have the Phone Number checkbox ticked or not. Can't you just un-tick it?

Edited by Shabdez
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  • Community Manager

I'm also hoping for more payment options soon. Paypal is not an option for me. Maybe the guest version if it really works without giving more data than necessary, we'll see.


EDIT: I tried the guest thing from PayPal and they already had my full name and adress although I never had any contact with this company. Can't remember if I had given this information already to Nexusmods in a previous purchase of Premium membership - if so, Nexusmods might have transferred the data to PayPal for this transaction. Anyway, I couldn't finish the payment because PayPal wouldn't let me without entering my Phone number. I don't see why this would be needed for a payment transaction. Didn't try with a fake number, anyone?


EDIT2: Did a little google and I think the Phone number as a requirement is not by PayPal but by Nexus Mods. According to information on the PayPal pages, if you enable Guest Checkout in your business account, you can decide if you have the Phone Number checkbox ticked or not. Can't you just un-tick it?


I did some looking into it, and while we do have guest payments turned on, some countries block guest payments.

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PayPal offers a "Pay as guest" option. If you can't use PayPal or don't want to use it for whatever reason, I'm afraid you won't be able to get Premium until our new system if ready. I imagine we'll make an announcement in the site news when the time comes.

This does not work in Russia. After the guest login, they only ask to create a paypal account ... With all confirmations.


"Important: Guest payments function in Russia and Ukraine is not available at the moment. To make / receive payment, you need to create a PayPal account."


Edited by Koljisto
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