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Forum Search Broken again? The Forum option on a mod page


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OK, particularly Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.

I switch to the Forum using the Switch to Forum button, at the top of the comment section, because there are 15,465 posts in the comment section.

I searched for the word "Flour" (without the quotes) because I KNOW I had asked a specific question about Flour a few years ago for that Mod, so what quicker way to zero in on my question among 15,465 posts, than to search for that specific word, right?

I got back EIGHT Results....ONE PAGE of Results.
Out of 15,465 posts, EIGHT RESULTS, NONE of which were mine.

Does the Search Function top out after a certain number of posts and can't handle looking through 15,465 posts?

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No idea if the search craps out after a certain number of posts. I tried searching for your username in that mod thread you mentioned. Got 127 hits.


I tried a forum wide search for your username and the word "flour" (without the quotes). It returned a single thread where you had replied in the chain of comments and the word flour was in the last post of the chain. It wasn't even for Oblivion but rather for Skyrim. Didn't even return the post you made above.


I tried doing a google search (forums.nexusmods: hadtoregister, "flour") and stated that it must include "flour". Got one hit in a Fallout 4 mod comment page where the word "flour" was used and where you had a post on the same page.


So who knows what is up... *shrug*

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No idea if the search craps out after a certain number of posts. I tried searching for your username in that mod thread you mentioned. Got 127 hits.


I tried a forum wide search for your username and the word "flour" (without the quotes). It returned a single thread where you had replied in the chain of comments and the word flour was in the last post of the chain. It wasn't even for Oblivion but rather for Skyrim. Didn't even return the post you made above.


I tried doing a google search (forums.nexusmods: hadtoregister, "flour") and stated that it must include "flour". Got one hit in a Fallout 4 mod comment page where the word "flour" was used and where you had a post on the same page.


So who knows what is up... *shrug*


Well, that's strange

I know I had specifically asked in Maskar's Mod page, because I make Ingredients have a 0 weight in my game, I've set Flour to be 0 in Oblivion.esm, yet whenever there is Flour in my inventory, it always weights 0.5

I even set it to 0 in the appropriate Maskar INI files, yet I always end up with Flour that's 0.5


I've used the REF mod to see the RED ID, and what ESP/ESM the flour sack FLour is coming from and it says Oblivion.esm


But there's SOMETHING intercepting at and/or bypassing my Weightless patch.





Hmm, just did the search for my name in that thread and got the 127, and not one of them mention flour.



Apparently I'm misremembering it, or it's mentioned on a different mod page

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No idea if the search craps out after a certain number of posts. I tried searching for your username in that mod thread you mentioned. Got 127 hits.


I tried a forum wide search for your username and the word "flour" (without the quotes). It returned a single thread where you had replied in the chain of comments and the word flour was in the last post of the chain. It wasn't even for Oblivion but rather for Skyrim. Didn't even return the post you made above.


I tried doing a google search (forums.nexusmods: hadtoregister, "flour") and stated that it must include "flour". Got one hit in a Fallout 4 mod comment page where the word "flour" was used and where you had a post on the same page.


So who knows what is up... *shrug*





I knew I had posted about getting flour to weigh ZERO, I just forget WHERE I did :D

After seeing how you searched for different results, I decided to search the entire Oblivion section of the forum for FLOUR

Imagine my surprise when I found a thread in the Oblivion MOD Troubleshooting section titled "How to set the weight of flour to ZERO (Or something similar)

Anyway, I got my answer, and it was a setting I never would've thought of to change, andyway, I thank you for your search examples and getting my rusty 5thought wheels turning enough to continue my search.

If I haven't given you a kudos already for something you've already done, you'll. be getting one soon.


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