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Strange Deaths In Oblivion


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Hi all,


I love playing Oblivion and I am playing it now. However, I am currently having strange problems with the game. When I LEGALLY enter some shops, the shopkeeper dies on entry. Also, when I LEGALLY enter some homes, the owner also dies on entry. As a result, I have to use the resurrect command in the console to resurrect them as that I can complete their quest. Have any other players had these problems and if so, can you please inform me how you solved them?



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For me it was NPCs near city gates spontaneously dying but I narrowed it down to Ashes to Ashes ... which was a real shame as it is a very cool mod. As soon as I uninstalled Ashes to Ashes the unexplained deaths stopped.

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This is really neat in Oblivion, that the game do not set an NPC to be dead like Skyrim does. If you ress an NPC in Skyrim, it is still considered as a dead or walking dead and will sooner or later return to its coffin in the city crypts. All related to that walking dead, will not see it as for them it is dead.

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Sorry, OblivionAddicted, I don't I'm afraid and it seems to be a quirk of the game, because it doesn't always happen. It only seems to happen occasionally. It's just annoying when it does.

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Sorry, OblivionAddicted, I don't I'm afraid and it seems to be a quirk of the game, because it doesn't always happen. It only seems to happen occasionally. It's just annoying when it does.

I know your problem comes from a mod.


Save before entering a house, disable a bunch of mods and check if the problem remains, you'll end up finding the culprit.

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OA is getting at the method I used to nail down the culprit in my case.


First you need a save (hopefully very close to immediately before an incident ... in my case a save from inside or outside a city gate just before I exited/entered). Then you need to prove that it is in fact a repeatable incident when loading that save (so in my case like yours it didn't happen every time, so yes I had a lot of saves that were not suitable for testing).


Once you have a few consistently repeatable saves to use for testing it's just a matter of disabling/uninstalling mods and checking if the problem remains or not. I was lucky that in my case I had only added one mod before this started (Ashes to Ashes) so the hardest part was getting my repeatable saves.


Wrap up your test by re-enabling/re-installing the mod your findings show is the culprit and confirm that the problem returns.


- Edit - I like the new avatar OA :thumbsup:

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