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Payment for premium.


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I do not know if this is the correct forum to raise this topic, if not I would appreciate being directed to the correct forum.


I just received an email notifying me that my monthly premium membership is due. As I do every month I clicked on the link to pay my membership, when I went to select method of payment the only method that showed was Pay Pal. I do not have a Pay Pal account nor do I have any desire to create one and frankly it greatly irritates me that in order to pay I must join a site that I have no desire to join.


If this is the only way that I can pay for premium membership then I will just have to give up my premium membership.

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In another thread, Dark0ne (I think, might have been Pickysaurus) posted that the regular credit card payment option has been temporarily removed while they work on updating the payment system backend. They didn't give a timeline, but in the meantime, I'm fairly sure you can use the Paypal checkout without an account by just using your card information - I've used it on other sites for sure.

Edited by TheGreatFalro
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yeah, Paypal is a great service... one that apparently for whatever reason is mistrusted by some folks. Like remember Paypal is owned by Elon Musk, I don't think he is someone I would consider sketchy.

I believe who it is owned by irrelevant.


I think Elon Musk has quite enough on his plate without micro-managing Pay Pal.

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yeah, Paypal is a great service... one that apparently for whatever reason is mistrusted by some folks. Like remember Paypal is owned by Elon Musk, I don't think he is someone I would consider sketchy.


I believe who it is owned by irrelevant.


I think Elon Musk has quite enough on his plate without micro-managing Pay Pal.

I'm just saying it's not some unknown or sketchy company. It's an actually well established company with a positive reputation.
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I believe you are correct in that.


If I gave the impression that I thought Pay Pal was some kind of fly-by-night company I apologize for that, I do not think that.


What I objected to was being forced into an action and my knee jerk reaction to that is usually not positive. I am an old geezer and rather stuck in my ways.


I appreciate your replies and taking the time to explain the reason for using Pal Pal at this time.

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