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Place of residence


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My main character lives in Rain's Hand Hall, but as she's currently enamoured with Mark (lost heir companion) she'll sleep anywhere! My other characters live according to their natures(vamp, mage , wolf & governor of solstheim)

My previous Main ("liberated" along with my pc and game cd's) was Hlaalo so...

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....the cave near the seyda neen silt strider would be good, I think its called adamastatrus or something

you mean the one on the shore under the rocks? i remember getting my first good weapon (orcish battleaxe) there and then slaughtering the inhabitants and using it as storage space... aaah... memories :)

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yah. i was playing as an orc and decided it was fitting to "live" in a cave. i was surprised they put such a good weapon so close to the beginning of the game. then again the wizard you had to kill to get it was pretty tough for a level 1. :halloween:
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In Ald'Ruhn I use Hanarai Assutlanipal's House and Ienas Saranda's House too. In Balmora I usually use only the Mages Guild. When I have completed the stronghold, I usually change my loot to there.

The Indybank Mod allows me now to buy several houses in different towns, so I prefer to buy them and let all I could gather there.

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i live in the little temple room where vivec is he doesn't seem to mind but he keeps staring at me........................................................ :ph34r: :shifty:

i have to ask... why vivec's room? there's no place to store anything? and i learned the hard way that having over 200 magic items in one room kinda hurts your framerate ^_^

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Personally I still live in "A good place to stay" in Balmora. Great place, been using the mod since I discovered it about a year back.


Not unbalancing or cheaty in any way, just a simple house mod with tons of space to keep anything and everything you could ever get (besides Bloodmoon items as this was made before it was released, but I hardly ever play that expansion anyway :P). It even has mannequins! Though that's not so uncommon nowadays with everyone copying off everyone else.


Not to be confused with "A place to stay" on this site.

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