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Found a use for "Legendary" on a skill


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as far I'm concerned, if I don't have the ability to bash the door in on a hulking level 40 barbarian-style character, the door doesn't exist.


i miss u bash lock



i'm going to try this one but my problem with another bash mod I had was that it worked on everything with almost without fail, thanks

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It's so perfect, too. All my characters are master locksmiths and never need a single perk. I can gain an extra level or two no problemo.


Now that I think about it, Block and Alteration are pretty good for this purpose, as well. I think I'm going to like this feature.

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whats different betvine Legendery and normal ? is it better to have 20 in legendery skill then 100 normal ?



i have 100 lockpicking and enchants whats gives 40% easyer lockpicking full gear gives 120% easyer lockpicking lols

Edited by rogue007
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as far I'm concerned, if I don't have the ability to bash the door in on a hulking level 40 barbarian-style character, the door doesn't exist.


i miss u bash lock



i'm going to try this one but my problem with another bash mod I had was that it worked on everything with almost without fail, thanks

I find I fail maybe 10% of the time, higher the lock difficulty - I definitely find I fail more.

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