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So.....I guess Skyrim is over (No Thalmor/High King-Queen DLC aka Prop


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  On 4/2/2013 at 1:45 PM, ShannonRutherford said:

Who says to forget, it's very very easy to make canon make a Stormcloaks victorius and Ulfric or Last Dragonborn High King/Queen of Skyrim, problem solved.

Tell me again how Skyrim may have an Argonian High King, and how future games will address this monumental turn of events... Or how Ulfric came back to life after so many players delivered him his backside and left him naked on the main hall's table.

Edited by sisterof
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  On 4/2/2013 at 1:47 PM, ShannonRutherford said:


  On 4/2/2013 at 1:36 PM, gsmanners said:

You may get some of what you want. If the next DLC is in Orsinium (which I think it likely will be), you can bet it'll be all about Thalmor intrigue and not just about the old Orcs versus Redguard dispute. The thing is, the Redguards are on the front lines of the conflict with the Thalmor and the Orcs stand probably the best chance of making life complicated for the Redguards. What do you think is going to happen? Of course, the Thalmor are going to instigate it (if this game gets any decent writing for a change, that is).


I doubt that it will be about Orcs cuz they're like some wild tribes, they are living in their own separate world in Skyrim they are pointless.

Um, I could've said the exact same thing about Nords before Skyrim itself came out. In fact, Nords are even more pointless considering how random and idiotic their whole lore is. Nords are the epitome of pointless, and look at how that turned out.

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  On 4/2/2013 at 6:47 PM, ShannonRutherford said:

Dragonborn is by default presented as male Nord and nothing else & Elisif is a pure idiot, pathetic milk-drinker Ulfric as canon would make up a better story.

"Default" and "lore" are quite different things. They need to pick a face to put in a trailer, unless they made one for each race - and nobody cares that much.

How would they cater to all the players that are not playing the "default" male Nord barbarian? A new DLC that can only be played by a certain percentage of gamers?

Honestly, I think you must be trolling, though I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

Edited by sisterof
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  On 4/4/2013 at 9:52 PM, Rastafariel said:

I dont think no news = no more DLC guys, you know how Bethesda is, they like to play it close to the vest. Or as they say in MW: "dance close to the fire"


^ This. Right here.


It's fair to say that we might not receive any more DLC content. However, developers typically announce if a DLC is the "final" to be released. Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas are good examples of this fact, and everyone knew that Oblivion's Shivering Isles would be the last release. We haven't received any confirmation of what's next, so that doesn't mean that we're through yet. Besides, we're still due Skyrim's 2.0 patch, which can be expected to be a massive addition.


Furthermore, the quiet is likely not a sign of laziness, but that they're busy reorganizing the teams. They're probably starting work on Fallout 4 now, so they're likely in the works of assigning teams to various projects and redirecting their creative designing towards the new game. Rumors held that Skyrim might get as little as three or as many as five major DLC packages (not including the smaller DLCs like Hearthfire) so we can naturally expect at least one more major DLC to follow Dawnguard and Dragonborn.


I doubt we'll see any storylines regarding the High King/Queen. That'll most likely be left as an off-screen event after the clean up of Skyrim. Honestly: those who want their character to be the High King/Queen are expecting too much of their character's place in history. The Nerevarine fulfilled a prophecy; the Hero of Kvatch supported Martin Septim in defeating Mehrunes Dagon; the Dragonborn defeated Alduin. These are singular acts which plateau at that point. Granted, you do become the leader of an undetermined number of factions, but these are temporary titles which are forgotten when your hero disappears in the sunset. Your character cannot gain a power which could affect Tamrelic politics, seeing as how any one character would make massively differing choices and consequences. If you want to be a hero that takes over a kingdom, go play the Fable franchise. That sort of daydreaming doesn't work in The Elder Scrolls.


And as for the Thalmor, that will be settled in another game. They're too big of a baddie to be resolved in a simple DLC. They're likely the big enemy in the next game, so let's not get all sore on their existence now - they'll get theirs in the next game, mark my words.

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  On 4/2/2013 at 8:21 PM, sisterof said:

Honestly, I think you must be trolling, though I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

I think that u can go and FYCK YOURSELF B!iTCH, got that?


Just get out of my face, stupid pathetic trash.


For all those haters that hate Thalmor/High King-Queen DLC i hope u get eaten by both cancer and aids, rotten garbage u all are.

This loud enough for you?

Banned - TVD.

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