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Anime sucks


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Ok ok, the best anime in the world is stinkoman off of homestarrunner.com, lol, man that cracks me up. But seriously, if you hate anime, go to that website and check it out, if you like anime, go to that website and check it out.


In actuallity, i'd have to say my fav. anime is Cowboy Bebop. My older brother hated all anime until he saw that show. Definately art. Its alot like the Kill Bill series when it comes to the music and action.

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  • 3 years later...
Well... there really aren't that many animes out there that aren't japanese. In fact, I can't name one. So... get used to it.


nooooooooooo not all anime sux naruto doesnt,if ne1 says it does i will kick there ass

(naruhina 4ever)muahahaha

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Well... there really aren't that many animes out there that aren't japanese. In fact, I can't name one. So... get used to it.


nooooooooooo not all anime sux naruto doesnt,if ne1 says it does i will kick there ass

(naruhina 4ever)muahahaha

First, old topic... Very old topic. You also didn't do much to respond to the person you're quoting, much less add anything yourself.


Second, Naruto isn't even close to being what anyone with half a brain would considder good. While you may be a fan of the series, and likewise probably between the ages of 6-12 (the target demographic), in the broad scheme of things; Naruto, DBZ, One Piece, and the few other similar animes that get imported, chopped to hell, and bastardized for the american public, such anime are anything but good. They feature simplistic plots, drawn out, pointless battles, toilet humor in places where it isn't even appropiate, and could probably be proven to cause brain damage in clinical trials. The later 100 episodes or so are even being used as a means of torturing prisoners in some countries. It's a shonen (boy) anime, it isn't supposed to have any sort of depth, it's just there to make kids buy games, watch commercials, buy magazines, and other related products. Such a series is hardly worth praise, it has no real value, people who watch it are no better off afterward. More profound series like Ghost in the shell, Ero Proxy, Noin, Samurai 7 on the otherhand, aren't so lacking, even though they feature some of the similar type of action sequences.


Third, all anime come from Japan (arguably South Korea too). While some other countried have adopted similar styles, anything they produce isn't considdered anime. Kinda like how country music only comes from the USA, even though other countries may have adpoted some of the style (and forever regretted it).

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Well, I wouldn't say Naruto is for ages 6-12.

Just look at some of those characters:

Kakashi:A sensei of the leaf, he always wears a mask and can usually be found reading hentai

Gaara no Sabuku: A crazed red head with the Demon Shukaku in his head. This demon protects him with sand shields, and allows him to crush people with it. The demon never lets him get any sleep, hence the rings around his eyes. Gaara's father sealed the demon in him before birth and his mother died in childbirth. He was a total reject growing up. The first man he killed was his uncle when he attacked Gaara at the age of 6. This scarred him emotionally, and he tattooed "love" on his forehead. He has taken on the notion that he will fade away from existence if he doesn't kill. He could say"I kill therefore I am"

Itachi Uchiha: KILLED OWN CLAN FOR NO REASON. Left little brother to grow insane.


I do not think those are characters for a six year old!

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mt243, please don't resurrect old threads unless you have something significant to add (see the rules). Thanks. ^^


I really don't think we need to/want to revive this old thing anyway.



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