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[WIP] Russell, a new companion by Someguy

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Thanks for your patience and support in the wake of my absence. With the updates to NVB more or less concluded (though support will continue when the final builds are uploaded), I resumed work on Russell this week.


Some updates/observations:

- I've revisited the branching endings of the main quest, and have decided to trim one of the more technically unwieldy options. Frankly, it would slow down the development more than I'd like, and this mod is more about the companion than any one quest. Besides, I'm quite eager to revisit Firebase Zulu.

- This mod is going to offer 3-4 hours of gameplay in the main quest.

- Finally fixed an issue with Russell's melee combat AI (stupidity on the author's part)

- Polished navmesh in Cholla Mountain

- Added more dialogue and characterization for Glanton, who is shaping into an entertaining antagonist, at least from my perspective. He's a bit more rounded than some of the baddies in other plugins I've made. I'm interested to see player's choices in the mod's climax.

- Implemented more dialogue for Russell. I'd say about 15% of his dialogue is voiced, but it shouldn't take long with the improved lip-sync tools.

- Cut the number of ghouls in Cholla Mountain. It was ridiculous, even by my standards.


Thanks again to the alpha testers who provided feedback in May/June. I'll be sure to announce when the mod is close to a beta state. I appreciate the comments and feedback!

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There have been some questions/concerns regarding Russell's relationship with the NCR. His experience in the Desert Rangers still constitutes a considerable part of his identity, but he is certainly not Boone 2.0. Truth be told, I've been on a writing frenzy, and I needed an excuse to share a bit of his dialogue, if only to provide a teaser (let's face it, it's been a while since I posted anything of substance).


Player: If you were a Desert Ranger, why not join the NCR? You'd still be fighting the Legion.


Vegas is not NCR. The Desert Rangers fought to defend their homes, not expand some half-assed empire that touts liberty for all. When you swear the oath to NCR you become another cog in their machine, nothing more. We were in a tight spot when the Bears swooped in with their offer - that's what they do. We sold our souls for some peace of mind. I always thought the Desert Rangers would die in a bloody, final stand against the Legion. Instead, we got a nice, polite funeral and a monument. That's why I hate that f*#@ing thing. It tells everyone how the true rangers were neutered and filed away, forgotten. We were the heart, no... the balls of the Mojave, and the NCR put the scalpel to us. Sometimes I wish I'd bought it before it happened.



That's probably as much dialogue as I feel comfortable sharing in a forum post, but I wanted to assure everyone that he has a distinct outlook on politics in the Mojave. I'm just excited to get this finished, as I've really grown attached to the character.

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I've been rather productive this evening, so I wanted to share a miniscule update, along with some stats.


While my hiatus from the Nexus may have rightly instilled some anxiety in community members tracking my projects, it's been quite beneficial to the design of Russell. My first step in resuming work was to replay the alpha from start to finish (or the point of relative completion), and then go from there with a fresh impression. More than anything, I realized that this mod had shifted focus from the titular character to the central quest. While I'm moderately pleased with the quest's progress, it should not be the crux of this plugin. It's a character-driven project, and I'm taking steps to ensure the final release will reflect the renewed emphasis on Russell himself. Foremost, I've been penning dialogue nonstop, with more speech checks and opportunities to influence Russell's character arc and temperament. I've also injected some... human reactions. He is more volatile than most companions - I'll leave it at that.


Some of the latest stats, based on the current build:

- 1 extant, "official" quests (several more hidden quests for scripting/dialogue purposes), with gameplay of about 2-3 hours

- 1 new worldspace, Caruthers Canyon

- A new, fully-populated town, Silverwood (with functional merchants, doctor, and prostitute)

- 961 lines of dialogue, with more on the way; it could end up with more than 1,200.

- A handful of new armors and weapons, primarily re-textures

- 20 new interior cells


That's about all the data I feel like digging up at present. I'm just excited to share Russell with everyone and see what path they choose in regards to his characterization, along with their reasons. I've been striving to improve more complex choices in the last few mods (Firebase Zulu will demonstrate this design style), and I'm hoping that manifests in the narrative, without feeling contrived or forced. I'm a bit over-caffeinated and coming off a writing marathon, so I'll stop right now before I begin spewing pure nonsense. Thanks for the comments and feedback!

Edited by someguy2000
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Guest deleted2159825



Time for the weekly update!


This was a productive weekend, thanks to an abundance of caffeine and the inspiring sounds of Power Glove and Kavinksy (I was in an 80's mood).


In light of my irresistible urge to resume work on Firebase Zulu, some of the more grandiose quest elements in Russell have been axed, at least temporarily. This mod will be getting a number of updates that coincide with the release of other mods, so I can always add content at a later date. The priority is establishing Russell as a character and ensuring basic functionality as a companion.


However, it wasn't all cuts - in fact, I spent most of my time writing extra dialogue and implementing unmarked quests specific to various NPC's. Many of the townspeople in Silverwood will have mini-arcs that are greatly influenced by the player, akin to Follows-Chalk's quest in Honest Hearts. With a streamlined climax and greater range in NPC characterization, I believe an ending slideshow is becoming rather feasible. If I can create a radiant bounty system, I can sure as hell figure out a simple slideshow (famous last words).


General notes:

- Dialogue. Lots of dialogue. 1105 lines at present, more on the way.

- Greater diversity regarding character interaction in Silverwood.

- Removed a rather contrived plot development and replaced it with something more feasible (It was awful, simply awful - "Want to advance the story? Yes? Ok, go sleep in a cot first.")

- More that I can't recall. I was very focused, and production was brisk.


Regarding the release:

- I'm aiming for September-October, depending on voice acting. On a positive note, the bulk of the dialogue belongs to Russell, so it should go quickly. *Sigh*

- I believe Russell will be a solid mod, but I'm not going to lie - he's a companion, not a grandiose production, like, say... The Siege of Firebase Zulu. You can see where my heart is at right now... :)


Thanks for the support. I'll post more info as production continues.

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Thanks for the update, it all sounds amazing! Glad it's all on track and still satisfying for you. As always, please feel free to hit me up for a bit part or two when you get to needing recordings.
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Guest deleted2159825

The slideshow seems to be working. I promise more info as I continue working on it. This holds incredible promise for Firebase Zulu.


Oh, and when I say slideshow, I mean the real deal - not a pre-made video with the narration pre-determined. Your choices will alter the narration. I'm really excited to put this in place!

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