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Suddenly can't equip modded and some vanilla armors.


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I noticed I was unable to equip my modded armors and some vanilla ones after I used LOOT and also installed oblivion reloaded.


If I load an earlier save file wearing one of my modded armors I do have it on so it does work but If I take it off I'm unable to wear it again.


I don't know if those two things I recently did were the cause but I tried uninstalling OR and it didn't fix anything, The modded armors are marked as "Stolen" But the vanilla ones I have in my inventory are not yet I can equip SOME of those still so I don't believe it's an issue of a stolen item either and I'm currently completely stumped on what to do to fix this.

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Hmm ... cross that off the list of possibles then. Don't know much about Oblivion Reloaded ... I do know it's Equipment mode has a reputation of being very problematic though (can be turned off in the INI).

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Hmm ... cross that off the list of possibles then. Don't know much about Oblivion Reloaded ... I do know it's Equipment mode has a reputation of being very problematic though (can be turned off in the INI).

Iâm very new to it myself, Iâll try turning it off in the INI when Iâm able to.

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I bet it is Oblivion Reloaded as it cannot be LOOT that causes the problem as it solves problems and point out dirty mods etc.


I do not dare to use Oblivion Reloaded and trust me, I have been very temped but there is a lite version made by another modder as the main author did close a forum where loads of tips how to get it work where written and all those tips are now gone forever but they might be found at Internet Archive, where I tried to find a file yesterday. I where able to see Planet Elder Scrolls and ElricM sites there but not my own files. :wink:


I do use MOO as base and I must say it is very stable and fun.

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Unplayable would mean they can't even see them anymore, not just being unable to equip them. It's used to "hide" items in your inventory, so you don't know you actually have them there, like tokens and such.


I wonder what exactly happens when you say you can't equip them? Does the game give you a message of sorts, either a popup box or a short blinking text in the top left corner of the screen?


There's also the situation when some very invasive idle animation plays, like from some of the many pose animation mods. You'll get a message saying you can't switch weapons or armor while in combat in that case. Only after the pose was reset will you be able to change your equipment again.

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Striker, when I think about it:


Maskar do set his tokens in MOO as cloth objects and he do uncheck those tokens as playable -> unplayable and he also told me a couple of days ago to not fiddle with his tokens, which I did in my new looting spells... :wink: So I asked him if it matters when I noticed it in the loot messages and it does... Do not remove any tokens he told me. :D I don't... ;)

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