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Shiny body CBBE


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Can any of you suggest a mod that has a good body shiny in skyrim. When I mean shine, not like sport sexy sweaty. I want one that gives a good shine in the light. I've been looking for a long time but haven't found one
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Hm. Perhaps you didn't look hard enough? CBBE has had a CBBE-compatible mod list available either in the mod description or in the Forums tab for over a year. It has 99.9% of all CBBE-compatible mods off Nexus listed and linked; more than 350 different mods.


From a quick glance of it, there's GlossTech, and Tan & Shine.

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There's a 'sweat' mod that makes the skin look like a gatorade commercial!


EDIT: In the future, you might to ask these kinds of question in the mod detectives thread for quicker/better answers!


Edited by ArtMurder
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