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any mod or code to stop any attacks from where you live?


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hello, i have been having people attack my home (i have hearthfire installed) and it is annoying and frustrating when home should be a safe place for your family. do any of you know of a mod or code which will prevent attacks from happenign around your home?


i already know fast travel helps to make this happen more but i want a full proff way which is why i ask about a mod or code. i like having a home you can build and do not want to live in town just want the palce to be safe. i also know that kids are invinceable in the game and wont be hurt, but i would still like a way to feel safe around the outside of the home.


anyone who is kind enought to help me with information on whereto find this if there are any, i thank you. and wish you all the best

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Yes, i'd be interested to know as well. I came home one day to find an all out war between a giant, some bandits, and a frost dragon. I find if you stay away for a while, bandit attacks seem to stack up so when I get back there is some 10-15 bandits. But that may just be a glitch on my end.

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I'd like to know this, too. I'm sure there's a way to disable these random attacks through the CK, but all i can really do with the CK at this point is modify the stats on weapons, armor, enchantments, etc. I use a mod that disables the random vampire attacks that Dawnguard introduces (which are probably even more annoying), and I know that mod involves editing a quest script. I'm sure the method for disabling the random attacks at Hearthfire homes is similar.

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