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Silky Question, but just want opinion on name for skyrim character?


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I was going to name him Ragnarok. Ragnarok is basically like Judgement Day in Norse Mythology. He is a Bord, long hair and a hardy beard with white eyes, not the all white ones though. So should I go with Ragnarok, or just Ragnarr, or maybe even use Revan from the legendary KOTOR games :o?
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If you go with Ragnarr, give him non-red hair/clothing...

Going with Ragnarok seems fine with me, if you consider that Norse mythology isn't skyrim mythology, otherwise it's... well Ragnarok's parents must have been a weird bunch to pick such an ominous name.


Edit: also, silKy?

Edited by Bhanqwa
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Depends on if you really want to immerse yourself into the game. In that case, you should look up a list of names of the race you want to create, and base your name off of that.


Otherwise, do whatever. Give it a cool name or something if it's a big Orc, or a relatively normal name if it's a Nord. Or base it off of your own name, or off a movie/book etc.

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I like the theme of Nords having two worded last names, for example my current Nord character's name is; Klinki Ironvest another one is Yngvi Horselust, while other races I just use a first name like a Redguard I have is called Ozone, except for the Orc's I like their style of hyphenated names

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When i make a Redguard, i give him/her an Arabic name. Names such as Layla, Samara, Donya etc


I try to link a name to a character, by reading/knowing what teh NPCs origins are and their names, i create something similar, going with the flow.


But it is your game, so you can call your character anything really.

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