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2 questions to veteran skyrim modders


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I'm new to this modding thing, absolutely loving it so far. But I've ran into one problem. Anytime I install maybe 3 or more mods skyrim is completely unplayable and crashes. Do you veterans have a way to get around this so you can install as many mods as you like?



Also I've installed the CBBE big bottoms mod, and a few others, but what are you guys suggestion to getting the most beautiful women possible in skyrim?


Thanks for reading and any possible answers you guys give me!!

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You need to download and use BOSS. It is a regular program, not a mod. When you run it, it will generate a log you need to read, which will give you useful information about your mods--conflicts, mods that need cleaning, etc.

Mods that are unrecognized by BOSS should be manually placed, either as the mod author instructs (preferred) or with similar mods (in the absence of author instructions.)

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Yes use BOSS! Other then that,m use logic to determine what you can use! If something doe somethi similar to another mod, it likely crashes! Also, if your computer is not that high end, high-def mods can cause trouble!


I run about 200 mods in my skyrim, and it's stable and plyable, it all comes down to trial and error and the more you do it the better you get at it!

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