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Mouse & Keyboard Not Working With Alternate Start Mods


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I'm playing the Legendary Edition I bought years ago, on disc. Windows 10 OS. Been trying various Alternate Start mods but my mouse and keyboard won't work with ANY of them. (They did before.) No issues except for those mods, otherwise everything works fine! I'm using Vortex and Loot to install & update load order, SKSE is the right version, SkyUI is good, and all the DLC's are there. I'm following instructions carefully and everything is where it should be... I think.


I really don't want to go through the whole wagon-prisoner game start for the millionth time, so any help would be much appreciated.



Edited by esmith5
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I can't help you with why they don't work, I haven't had that problem myself. I use Skyrim Unbound myself.
But I will tell you a trick I use when I want to play through as dragonborn and avoid that wagon prisoner thing. I made a save right before they ask me my name. If I want to start a new game, I load that. No boring wagon trip.

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I'm playing the Legendary Edition I bought years ago, on disc. Windows 10 OS. Been trying various Alternate Start mods but my mouse and keyboard won't work with ANY of them. (They did before.) No issues except for those mods, otherwise everything works fine! I'm using Vortex and Loot to install & update load order, SKSE is the right version, SkyUI is good, and all the DLC's are there. I'm following instructions carefully and everything is where it should be... I think.


I really don't want to go through the whole wagon-prisoner game start for the millionth time, so any help would be much appreciated.





Why are you using LOOT when it's already built into Vortex?


ALso, if you have a Controller, UNPLUG it.

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