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Does SKSE reset FPS limit?


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I have been trying to limit my FPS using several methods.

I have an EVGA Nvidia graphics card, so have tried using Nvidia inspector, MSI Afterburner and EVGA Precision X. Each one seems to accept the change, but when I run the game with the SKSE launcher Fraps tells me the framerate is variable above the limit I have set.

I have a feeling that SKSE is resetting the FPS limit.

Does anybody know if this is true, or have a different solution to limiting the FPS?

I intend to try a vanilla game with a new character and no SKSE at the weekend but if anyone can help me avoid that I would be very happy!



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I used Nvidia Inspector too, and it did set my framerate limit to 30; SKSE didn't change that; perhaps the 3 programs don't get along with each other?



i use msi afterburner to limit FPS, i also use skse and it doesn't hinder that and neither does fraps.



Thanks for the comments. It's good to be able to rule out SKSE.

Alex2avs, I only used the programs one at a time on separate attempts! :biggrin:

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Have you set iPresentInterval=0 in your prefs ini? If not that could be the problem.

Also left the Vsync setting in the Inspector on "use application setting"? (do not try to override in the Inspector, that is what the .ini setting will do)

No I didn't set the prefs.ini. I will try that and check the Vsync setting.

Thanks for your help.

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  • 8 months later...

Hello, I'm having similar problems. I have iPresentInterval set to 0 and I have Skse_Launcher.exe set to limmited frame rate at 60 in MSI Afterburner On-Screen Display Server with on-screen display enabled but when I load up skyrim through SKSE_Launcher there is no display and I still receive alot of screen tearing, any help?

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