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making my first script,cant get SetEyes to work


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through trial and error ive literally identified the SetEyes function as the problem,the script editor in cs keeps saying "unknown function". but i have the latest OBSE installed and it works fine when i play the game, but trying to make this new script in cs it refuses to recognize this OBSE function


yeah im weird,i find the blue eyes of the mazken utterly captivating



Scriptname RealVamp
begin OnActivate
If (player.GetIsRace RealVamp] == 1)
player.removespell AAJJVampirism1
player.addspell VampireDaily
player.SetEyes eyeDarkSeducer
;<CSECaretPos> 7806 </CSECaretPos>
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Looking at the CS Wiki (because I really know next to nothing about scripting) I'd try


player.SetEyes eyes:eyeSeducer


I don't know if pwerhaps you'd need to include the file extension for the asset (e.g. eyeSeducer.dds and/or eyeSeducer_g.dds)

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No, that's not how the "SetEyes" function works. If the CS wiki says something like "eyes:ref" or "npc:ref", it's a combination of the name for the parameter and the type, but it still means only a simple parameter or variable.

The way it's typed inside the script above is the correct one already, and I think EyeDarkSeducer is also the right EditorID. The only way the CS can't know the function is when it was launched without OBSE support.


The remarks at the end are also no sign you're inside the CSE. They're just copy&pasted from a script that was written in it before. If you then start the normal CS without OBSE, the remarks will still show up inside the source code.

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wait wait.how precisely can obse be installed well enough to run 134 extensive mods,and yet not be installed well enough for the cs?last i checked the cs was mainly stationed inside the oblivion directory,so unless the thing is unable to peruse a simple file structure it should be able to find the obse files quite easily.


im fully willing to accept that perhaps there is something i need to click on differently perhaps, i had thought perhaps the obse loader exe might be the thing to click on but im hesitent to do that as im not sure if that will mess with anything


you do have to admit one thing,in general most consumer products have a set of instructions or a manual that goes out of it's way to be in your face about how to make the product activate properly for the basic purposes,not because its entirely neccessary,but because there is no guarantee that the process wont be arcane or nonsensical,or rather that someone wont find it to be so. far as i know,i first heard about obse even existing when i went to find mods to download after buying oblivion in the steam winter sale earleir this year,saw it listed on the mod requirements,so i go to download it,follow the install instructions,and it seemed to function just fine (btw it was for getting the northern UI so that my controller would work with oblivion) but now it comes to using obse in a more advanced fashion and that same quality of basic setup instruction is entirely missing,and best my googling can find most people that offer advice on how to get it running properly in said more advanced version either are incapable of talking in a way that works for an audience that doesnt have years of coding experience,or only have advice that works in one or two far off scenarios that almost never,ever apply to anyone,or one or two supposidly common scenarios that are infact so common that literally no one that is frustrated enough to seek expert advice will have said common scenarios... sort of like tech support's first question to you almost always being something increduously stupid like "is the device plugged in?",when in al lreality you know that it should be obvious that if you have the thing on enough to even tell there is a problem that yes,you do indeed have it plugged in


ooooh mercy,i think i drank too much coffee,forgive my ramblings XD

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oh and for the record,that bit at the end occured because i was literally learning as i went and i didnt know at the time that the cs not recognizing a function would also cause a misaligned begin/end block,so i copy pasted the end part of a script i was absolutely sure was written right


interestingly enough,in the time since my OP i made a very questionable desperation move that worked flawlessly.


i altered the main vampire script so that every single stage of vampire advancement would force it to add my custom vampire greater power,and then i used another simple mod i had downloaded to cure and then re-add the vampirism in a flash with spells. and then i used the "showracemenu" command while the console was still up,and then exited the menu normally without manually exiting the console. i was able to set the eyes i wanted,there were no drawbacks whatsoever,and for now its working awesome


i also found the vampireageoffset game setting and turned it down to 0.


but i still want to learn how to do these script bits proper,because i have further ideas for the modding for my little personal oblivion world,and the knowledge is a must,and i dont think ill be able to pray to hermaeus mora to figure it out :S


ive already published two mods which are bugfixes for other peoples mods,mostly because i know a little bit about nif meshes and i figured out how to add factions i nthe cs ^-^ i love fixing bugs and glitches in things,im drawn to them like a moth to a light,and then i fix

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OBSE is pure magic. It is fantastic, amazing, extremely nice, superb, excellent, and very nice. It is 8 years old too. The new upstarted development to take it further in to the future is called xOBSE and so far it has some bugfixes and better handling and a new function that checks if you are dressed or not.


It seems you can put stuff anywhere with in your Oblivion folder and with stuff, I mean libraries -> DLL's as OBSE loads all it is able to find, not only in the Data\OBSE\Plugin folder but also from the Oblivion folder it self. Why do I get that impression?

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well this is a touch inconvenient,trying to get cse up and running and its blabbering something about the install location being protected. its a steam install.i cant very well up and move something like that for hell's sake!


EDIT: taking a battle axe to folder permissions,lets cross our fingers


:S well that didnt work

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