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making my first script,cant get SetEyes to work


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Not sure this will help, but I remember having a similar issue with getting CSE to start a while back.

In addition to checking the box for 'run as administrator' for obse_loader.exe, I also have to remove d3d9.dll from my Oblivion folder to my Desktop every time i want to open the CSE, or it can't start.

See if you have that file as well, for me it's there because i have an ENB installed.

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No, that's not how the "SetEyes" function works. If the CS wiki says something like "eyes:ref" or "npc:ref", it's a combination of the name for the parameter and the type, but it still means only a simple parameter or variable.

The way it's typed inside the script above is the correct one already, and I think EyeDarkSeducer is also the right EditorID. The only way the CS can't know the function is when it was launched without OBSE support.


The remarks at the end are also no sign you're inside the CSE. They're just copy&pasted from a script that was written in it before. If you then start the normal CS without OBSE, the remarks will still show up inside the source code.


Thanks for the clarification Drake. I admit that I find the examples shown in the CS Wiki are always targeted at an audience that knows more than I do.

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well this is a touch inconvenient,trying to get cse up and running and its blabbering something about the install location being protected. its a steam install.i cant very well up and move something like that for hell's sake!


EDIT: taking a battle axe to folder permissions,lets cross our fingers


:S well that didnt work


You have Steam (and thus Oblivion) installed in C:\Program Files (x86) and Construction Set Extender detects that, and is telling you to install the game outside of a folder structure that is protected by User Account Control (UAC). Follow the instructions found on this Steam page to avoid UAC issues.


To start the vanilla Construction Set with OBSE support you need to change how you launch the CS. The vanilla CS desktop shortcut will be something like "G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\TESConstructionSet.exe" in the Target field of the shortcut (note that the apostrophes are included). To start the vanilla CS with OBSE support you need to edit that desktop shortcut to be "G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\obse_loader.exe" -editor (the -editor part is outside the apostrophes and tells obse_loader.exe to start the CS ... this is all outlined in obse_readme.txt included with your OBSE extracted download).

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ok i finally completed the directory move just fine,and now cse will launch just fine,but there is a problem,the size of icons and text is far too small to read,and ontop of that everytime i try resizing the window the icons and text get weirdly jammed together

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ah,now this compiles for some reason,i hope this works


Scriptname RealVamp
begin ScriptEffectStart
If (player.GetIsRace RealVamp == 1)
player.removespell AAJJVampirism1
player.addspell VampireDaily
player.SetFaceGenAge 0
player.SetBodyAssetOverride eyeDarkSeducer
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"SetEyes" said "invalid inventory object"? That doesn't make much sense. It's nothing to do with inventory objects at all.


So you fixed it by using a totally different function instead? But it's a function from Blockhead, an OBSE plugin, that is it, too, requires the CS to be launched with OBSE support, which you now do apparently, so that's good.


Still wondering why the "SetEyes" function of all things is giving you errors here. Maybe it complained about the wrong/an inexistent EditorID being given as parameter for the eye type?

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Maybe it doesn't like being used this way for World references?

Player.SetEyes eyeDarkSeducer

But rather onto the actual NPC form:

SetEyes eyeDarkSeducer Player

Also don't forget to use


afterwards, otherwise the new eyes are not applied visibly.




Also you can trick the Construction Set if it doesn't want to let you use a function in the way you want, even if it would work in the way you want.

I had an issue with "GetName":

                Let strNOAmsgText2 := "You have to defeat the "+GetName SchattenrufAlptraumTroll01+" to activate that system!"
                MessageEx $strNOAmsgText2

This does NOT work, as the compiler screams, when I try to use "GetName SchattenrufAlptraumTroll01", which is the EditorID of a creature base form.

                Let refNOAblackTroll := SchattenrufAlptraumTroll01
                Let strNOAmsgText2 := "You have to defeat the "+GetName refNOAblackTroll+" to activate that system!"
                MessageEx $strNOAmsgText2

This works. The compiler is fine with it.




The idea behind that is, that I don't need to look up the different naming for each language of that troll.

Instead the script gets the name by itself and only the rest of the message has to be translated.

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