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Must Have Mods


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I purchased Skyrim when it was released (Nov 2011) for Xbox 360. I did so because, at the time, my computer wouldn't have been able to run it very well. In 2012, I built a new rig and now I'm probably going to buy it for PC. I want to, essentially, make everything in the game look top-notch so I was wondering what are the must-have mods for this game. There are so many choices so I was hoping to improve the visuals with the fewest amount of mods to install.


For NPC's I'm already looking at:


Immersive Armors


Cloaks of Skyrim


What are the best skin textures around? Anything else I should consider to round out the overall appearance of NPC's?



For the world, I'm looking for the best overall visual improvements. I'm looking at


Skyrim HD


Are there any other mods that will compliment this mod and perhaps fill in any gaps this mod doesn't cover?


Also any other recommended mods to add to overall immersion would be great too.


Any input is welcome. Thanks.

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First off when you buy Skyrim for the PC Bethesda came out with their own 2K texture pack that makes almost every item in game a 2048x1080 texture which improves significantly to the vanilla game at the cost of some fps.

Next I'd check out these two Youtube channels, both authors are really great at showcasing the best mods out there on the Nexus and Gophers videos show you how to install them as well. Links can be found here...
http://www.youtube.com/user/MMOxReview MxR Skyrim Mods Weekly
http://www.youtube.com/user/GophersVids?feature=watch Gophers Gaming Mods

As far as my personal preferences for immersion/graphical mods, here is a short list of my must haves for any new PC Skyrim player.

If you want to see how Skyrim looks with these mods installed please visit my mod page here, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34692 which replaces the Main menu of the game.

Obviously I could list all the mods in my load list but one it would take way to long, the ones I listed are some of my personal favorites, and two half the fun of modding is just delving into the nexus to see what kind of mods you can find, making using them that much more enjoyable! In any case good luck when you get Skyrim on the PC and welcome to the nexus community!

Edited by mellophonist
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My list of must-haves:



Unofficial Patches. Climates of Tamriel, Realistic Lighting Overhaul and IMAGINATOR for atmosphere. Skyrim HD, Benjamin318's textures, Ultimate HD Fire Effects, Better Females (I use the natural version addition and normalmaps by zzjay), aMidianBorn Book of Silence, Ultimate Lush Overhaul, Pure Waters/W.A.T.E.R. and Static Mesh Improvement Mod for textures and meshes. Apocalypse Spell Package and Phenderix Magic Evolved for magic. Deadly Dragons, Frostfall, Footprints, Guard Dialogue Overhaul, Ultimate Follower Overhaul, The Paarthurnax Dilemma, Lightning During Thunderstorms and Realistic Needs and Diseases for immersion.

Edited by ilikecheese1337
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Thanks to all of you for taking the time to assist me. I've been modding the Dragon Age series for awhile and I think it's now time to delve into Skyrim. There is so much to choose; I'm just trying to get the most out of the fewest mods so as to try and avoid conflicts and issues.

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