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Any mod to disable/enable selling slider or make it so multiple items


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Ever since I used mods that do both these on Oblivion I felt spoiled and now coming back to Skyrim makes me feel a bit annoyed that selling 10 daedric chestplates counts the same as selling one sweetroll, in leveling for speech. I was wondering if there is any mod that with a button or combination of buttons would disable the slider, or even better a mod that would level speech according to the amount of gold sold and not the amount of transactions. Damn you Oblivion mods for spoiling me =p

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well technically price still matters.


1 daedric chest is more xp than a sweetroll.

but yeah 10 items = 1 item for experience.


its probably possible to make a script for this, but I would need to know the exact function for how xp is calculated and a way to detect if an inventory belongs to a merchant.

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Thanks for the offer Grimy. Well since there is a way to sell them one by one like Myztikrice said, I think I am good :D Thanks a lot for pointing out that feature Mystikrice! Really appreciated! Hope you both are having a great week.

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