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Weird fuzzy graphics


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Hi I'm having a weird problem with my graphics and I've been unable to find any similar posts to help me find a solution. I have 209 mods listed in wryebash and things seem to be running ok apart from this problem apart from low fps at times. I'm using an nvidia 250s graphics card and never encountered this problem until recently.


Edited by marcojr5816
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Sorry the picture failed to upload the first time round lol, I edited it in now :smile: I'll work on getting you the other things you asked for.


- I'm using Nvidia driver 314.22, I don't know how to generate a BOSS list for you-

Edited by marcojr5816
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Do you use BOSS? If not, you probably need it. You can download it here. It's a regular program, not a mod. You install to your desktop of wherever.

If you do use it (or after you get it, just check the option to see the BOSS log in text formal rather than html. Copy paste to your post, enclose in spoiler tags.

Also, changes to your prefs,ini and driver game profile?

What UI are you using?

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Do you use BOSS? If not, you probably need it. You can download it here. It's a regular program, not a mod. You install to your desktop of wherever.

If you do use it (or after you get it, just check the option to see the BOSS log in text formal rather than html. Copy paste to your post, enclose in spoiler tags.

Also, changes to your prefs,ini and driver game profile?

What UI are you using?


I wasn't previously using BOSS but I'm now sorting my way through my mods with BOSS and TESV edit after having watched the tutorial on how to use them to fix things up. I'll report back once I've finished all this as it's likely this will clear things up.

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Are you using an ENB? That kinda looks like shadow dithering which can happen if iBlurDeferredShadowMask (in SkyrimPrefs.ini) is lower than 5 when using ENB's enhanced shadow processing.

Thank you very much my friend, this resolved the issue and I'm happily enjoying my skyrim with nice graphics again

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