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Vortex suggestion: SORT BY DATE ADDED


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I would like to suggest a sorely-needed feature for Vortex- the ability to sort through your mods by the time of downloading and/or installing. This would help greatly for people who install mods in bunches, who need to locate mods according to when they got them.

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I would like to suggest a sorely-needed feature for Vortex- the ability to sort through your mods by the time of downloading and/or installing. This would help greatly for people who install mods in bunches, who need to locate mods according to when they got them.

Yea, that sure would be cool.

And it's already in Vortex.

You have to click on the little Carat Symbols in order to sort Ascending or Descending.

I'm sorting by date, DESCENDING, that's what the little 'v' next to the "Installation Time" is, otherwise it would be ^ to sort in ASCENDING




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