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Sorry to say that but if you refuse to play the main quests, who I always do in every TES game Fallout 3 turn out to be really brainless ;)

Get your heavy weapons skill at100 and find the trash gun and then? I don't need anything else then.

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Talking about tes games being for little kids; ho ho look at my big balls i only love mindnumbing brainless shooting tooting games, i do love the fallout series but Hello!!! its two different settings THANKFULLY!!!.


There are tons of Mature+++++++ fantasy games why dont you go play them instead ???


Dont worry,In 5-10 years from now on these games wont exist anymore Only your favourite games with plenty of guns,violence and blood spilled all over.


Rofl your not talking to me are you? Let me count how many First person brainless shooters I own, ahem.... 0.


Also no FO3/FNV are actually not first person brainless shooters, they are more RPG then FPS. Which is why a lot of people complained when FO3 came out, because gosh it was not a FPS but a RPG with guns in it.


As for the gore, eh I can live with or without I mean its so cartoon its not something I can take seriously. The only gore that actually fits is pretty much what you see in Skyrim, though in truth Skyrim could use alittle more reality with its dungeons (actual dungeons you find in castles) and places that would have less pleasant stuff.


Dont take it to seriosly. but wouldnt it be sad if the future only holds fps games.


I love gore,zombies and darker themed games, bethesdas games are about experience and having fun, fps are just competition alas you need the right headset,gaming keyboard,fast internet bla bla bla.


Fallout games are quite good,But if you really want a serios rpg buy The witcher 1 or 2.

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I dont want TESVI as the Next Game nomore, because of my Thread, i want what Bethesda gives whatever Next Adventure they will Announce in June so we can have a Better TES Game.


Just Wish Bethesda takes Notice of my Thread, such wonderful Ideas and not a single Bethesda Employee to the Nexus "Forum"

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Talking about tes games being for little kids; ho ho look at my big balls i only love mindnumbing brainless shooting tooting games, i do love the fallout series but Hello!!! its two different settings THANKFULLY!!!.


There are tons of Mature+++++++ fantasy games why dont you go play them instead ???


Dont worry,In 5-10 years from now on these games wont exist anymore Only your favourite games with plenty of guns,violence and blood spilled all over.


Rofl your not talking to me are you? Let me count how many First person brainless shooters I own, ahem.... 0.


Also no FO3/FNV are actually not first person brainless shooters, they are more RPG then FPS. Which is why a lot of people complained when FO3 came out, because gosh it was not a FPS but a RPG with guns in it.


As for the gore, eh I can live with or without I mean its so cartoon its not something I can take seriously. The only gore that actually fits is pretty much what you see in Skyrim, though in truth Skyrim could use alittle more reality with its dungeons (actual dungeons you find in castles) and places that would have less pleasant stuff.


Dont take it to seriosly. but wouldnt it be sad if the future only holds fps games.


I love gore,zombies and darker themed games, bethesdas games are about experience and having fun, fps are just competition alas you need the right headset,gaming keyboard,fast internet bla bla bla.


Fallout games are quite good,But if you really want a serios rpg buy The witcher 1 or 2.


Yeah except I dont like the way I am forced to play a premade character in the Witcher, I dont like being forced into things that much. I mean all the female nudity (might be able to change that with mods, but the theme is still there) and "forced" romance, its not my taste at all which is a shame since they are decently well made games. Maybe Witcher 3 wont do that as much since its a larger scope.


Of course FPS being the only games would be sad, which is why it will never happen. Its more likely to be "Action" games that take over rather then FPS, Action RPG/ Action Horror/ Action survival horror/ ect.


daventry: How do you know there are no Beth people here, we are all under anonymous online names. For all you now I could be a Beth employee, of course I am not but you never would know for sure. More then likely the next game they will announce will be FO4, its been in the works longer then the next TES game so its just mostly to be the next game to be talked about.

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in 2011 when Skyrim was released, i did not buy it. I knew if i got it, i would be hooked.


I bought the game during the december 2012 christmas sale, along with all the DLCs.


Since December, i put in nearly 1,000 hours in the game. Half of that was spent on new characters (full on mage, thief, full warrior, battle mage etc).


Skyrim is really a work of art, no other game will make you travel to one side of the country, to gather ebony or collect grass pods, creep cluster and go back just to craft the potions and weapons/armor you want.


All of this while being attacked by animals, bandits and dragons spawning out of no where. This game ticks all the boxes for what a gamer wants, forget co-op and multi player, and this is coming from me, a COD and BF player (i completely ditched those two hack infested copy and past games). The amount of freedom in mods, is just mind blowing as well.


The only thing that bothers me, is that whatever class you play as, the only way to hit level 81 is to master everything, which is stupid if you are a mage and you need to face level 55+ enemies with one handed or two handed weapons at level 15 or so. Same thing if you are a warrior, such low stamina and spells being resisted by most enemies. Should had given certain perks/skills for certain classes and that is it, like any other RPG game, but every game has its cons, no game is perfect.


I am so sad that no more DLCs are in the works for Skyrim, with so many questions left unanswered.


Never touched fall out series, I do not like guns and such.


Heh heh heh. :P


Personally, I'm looking forward to Dragon Age 3 at the moment. I can have a rest from Bethesda's games. :smile:


Given Bioware's DA2 flop I am certainly not anxious to see DA3. I couldn't stand the the exploding doll heads rolling around on the ground or visiting the same dungeon 300 times.

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