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CTD with basically any mod.


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Okay so basically every one of my mods CTDs. Ive had to reinstall fallout 3 on one occasion. It's steam based, so it's installed through steam. I was wondering if I needed anything extra while running mods to avoid CTD?


I'm running the mods in this order:


VC 1-1 Damage

Slower levelling

Wasteland Mercenaries

Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased spawns

Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn

Fallout3 - Base Game file


Oh and it usually crashes when walking around after leaving megaton. If I sit outside megaton it doesn't crash. However, certain areas around megaton crash it within seconds of reaching. This isn't obviously the ONLY place it crashes, this is just where I can travel from the save inside megaton.

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I fear just changing the order will not help here, ESMs aways load first independently of the position on the list. The advice is you remove the mods, one at a time until the game works (what may fail if the savegame is already dependent on them and so, test with a new game too). once you identify the mods that cause the troubles, report them in a no passionate fashion. Be certain the authors will be working actively to correct the troubles introduced by changes.


Above all be aware the game is passing for a transitional phase and both (game and mods) may and almost certainly will experiment troubles until the dust settles down.

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Okay, thanks a lot guys. However whenever I delete the mods, it still CTDs. What else is affected? I know the save isn't the problem because Ive been downloading characters with saves from the vault, just to start fresh every time I delete a mod. I checked the files with FO3edit and there aren't any conflicts between mods so I don't exactly understand why they wouldn't work in the first place. Some people have 50+ mods loaded perfectly fine, and these 5 give me trouble?


EDIT: Okay I may feeel like a complete idiot right now. Apparently I forgot that I installed the new 181.22 nvidia display driver, and I researched it a little. Some people are having issues with CTDs at the moment with this driver. So that may be my problem after all. I'm not POSITIVE, but it looks like it. I'll report back soon to let you all know.

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Okay. It has to be the new drivers from nvidia. I have a 9800GTX and these new 181 drivers are for the majority of nvidia's cards. So if by chance you're CTDing and don't know why, roll back your drivers and see if it makes a difference. I rolled back to 180 and everything is running SMOOTH. Sorry for the inconvenience of troubleshooting my blatant software issue, which had nothing to do with the modifications.
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