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Why all the ridiculous nudity?


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Because, and gt this, are you holding on to your seat?




Maybe your too young or to prudish to have discovered this yet, but some people like skyrim to be REALISTIC, and having fused on underwear isn't REALISTIC.


Not everyone who uses these kinds of mods uses them to 'get off' or to show of barely dressed women in the snow. I'm one of the few gay men I know of who play Skyrim, and I've used many different female mods, including the 'boucning breast ones' - why? Because it adds realism, and sometimes it's just nice to see a realistic looking pair of boobs instead of badly drawn underwear.


Also, how is it degrading? That's just foolish. Like I just said, nudity exists in real life. I don't know of anyone women who who feels 'degraded' by admitting their genitals exist.


I do agree however, some of the armor mods are totally ridiculous, but then again, my most popular mod is totally ridiculous to. Should it be banned just for not being to everyone's taste, even though there is NOTHING wrong with it? NO. Everyone likes different things, and it's rude, prudish, and unfair to want the things you don't like to be banned. If we start banning mods like this, where will it stop? Eventually half the mods on this site would be banned, no one eowuld ever bother putting the effort into making mods just so they can be banned by some prude.


If you don't like something, react however you please, say a prayer for them, snub your nose, chant to allah, or beat your face on the keyboard, WHATEVER makes you happy, as long as you keep it to yourself. Because I promise you, for every person out their who agrees with you, their are a hundred more who like the things you dislike.

yeah, well,paedophilia and necrophillia exist in real life too, it does not mean it is justifiable to put into a game, if you wish to look at naked people, google is your friend.

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Dhegonus, I'm genuinely baffled by the fact that you just made putting female nudity into the game somehow akin to adding necrophilia and pedophilia... And if nudity is fine for Google, why not Skyrim? :confused: Edited by Senviro
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Everyone is naked that is something no one can doubt, we all have genitals and both male and female bodies are works of art and beautiful. NO nudity should be wrong or viewed as wrong, none.


Now, mostly naked ladies running around in snow storms with nothing on but a fur cloak (MY fur cloaks, oh I do hate that alot lol)... I consider that just silly and ridiculous, I also do not like the DDDDDD Breasts and Butt bodies either. But you know what I do, ignore it. I dont put them in MY game, you wont find overly endowed women in MY game. NO ONE is forcing you to put them in YOUR game.


I block the mods I dont want to see, I hide the nude female images in the supporter images. Those mods have just as much a right to be here as any mod I made, does it annoy me to see these female body mods taking the top mods spots all the time... Sure, but thats just what the male user base likes.


The main male user base seems to like, largely endowed females with very thin waists and extremely flawless skin. You just have to except that and try to move on with your modding, this is what "most" men want and that is what "most" men will post. Part of being a grown up is accepting people have different beliefs and tastes then you do, and being mature enough to say thats fine.

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Because, and gt this, are you holding on to your seat?




Maybe your too young or to prudish to have discovered this yet, but some people like skyrim to be REALISTIC, and having fused on underwear isn't REALISTIC.


Not everyone who uses these kinds of mods uses them to 'get off' or to show of barely dressed women in the snow. I'm one of the few gay men I know of who play Skyrim, and I've used many different female mods, including the 'boucning breast ones' - why? Because it adds realism, and sometimes it's just nice to see a realistic looking pair of boobs instead of badly drawn underwear.


Also, how is it degrading? That's just foolish. Like I just said, nudity exists in real life. I don't know of anyone women who who feels 'degraded' by admitting their genitals exist.


I do agree however, some of the armor mods are totally ridiculous, but then again, my most popular mod is totally ridiculous to. Should it be banned just for not being to everyone's taste, even though there is NOTHING wrong with it? NO. Everyone likes different things, and it's rude, prudish, and unfair to want the things you don't like to be banned. If we start banning mods like this, where will it stop? Eventually half the mods on this site would be banned, no one eowuld ever bother putting the effort into making mods just so they can be banned by some prude.


If you don't like something, react however you please, say a prayer for them, snub your nose, chant to allah, or beat your face on the keyboard, WHATEVER makes you happy, as long as you keep it to yourself. Because I promise you, for every person out their who agrees with you, their are a hundred more who like the things you dislike.

yeah, well,paedophilia and necrophillia exist in real life too, it does not mean it is justifiable to put into a game, if you wish to look at naked people, google is your friend.

By that logic, why make video games at all? Most video games now days simulate mass murder, but you seem to have no problem with that? Last I checked, Mass Murder was worse then looking at naked women, yet for some reason you have a serious problem about the later and no problem with the former. There is NOTHING WRONG WITH NUDITY. The fact that you compare nudity to necrophilia and pedophilia really speaks to your own personal character, and does absolutely nothing to back your point. Why? Well because I would honestly be deeply creeped out to meet a person in real life who though simply being naked was on the same level as raping corpses or children. The only logical reason I can see why someone would think this way that doesn't involve that person being a total pervert creep trying to hide their creepiness by pretending to hate it, is that you are 12 and shouldn't be downloading these kinds of mods in the first place.


And I don't 'wish to look at naked women' I want my game to feel realistic. And even if I did, maybe I don't want to go to some skeezy sight on the internet riddled with viruses and creepy looking women who no one would want to see naked in the first place? Maybe I like the idea of being able to create and design a woman in my game to be the way I would want to be if I was woman, and if I was a woman I would not want underwear fused to my body. Funny thing is, most of these mods you are griping about have an option to include underwear for the prudish.


The truth is video games are for LOTS AND LOTS OF PEOPLE NOT JUST YOU. If you don't like something, no one is forcing you to download it, no one is forcing you to play with it, no one is even forcing you to acknowledge it exists. You are the one who is acknowledge it exists, you are the one who turned your censor filter off, you are the one who visited the mod to see what it was about in the first place.


The only reason under the sun you should be upset about their being the OPTION to have naked people as a downloadable mod is if you are 12, and if you ARE 12 then you don't need to have your adult only censor off in the first place, and you don't need to be looking at naked women in the internet, on google, or on the nexus.


You'll have to learn one day, the world is FULL of things other people love, that you dislike. For example, I despise religion in it's entirety, yet I would NEVER talk bad about someone else for their religion, or complain about a mod with religious tones. Why? Because I'm not a stuck up prude who thinks everyone else in the world should have the exact same stick up their ass as me. Some people enjoy the things I hate, and that's THEIR problem. Not MINE, and not YOURS.

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As a 40 odd year old woman...married with three daughters....I do not find the nudes in Skyrim degrading in the least, what does irritate me, well I find childish and immature anyway is the glued on underwear. I like my 'realism', it's important to me with my gaming, or I just don't enjoy the game....among other things 'realism' includes nudity for both male and female....To be honest, I also love beauty and the body is a great deal more beautiful without underwear than with.


If anything were to receive the ban hammer for being too graphic, that would be the excessively graphically violent, wouldn't it. Not that I want to see them go....I use some extreme violence graphics Mods myself....'Realism'....But if the 'prudes' are going to focus on what they feel people shouldn't be seeing....shouldn't it be the violence, not a nipple or penis?...I personally find it disturbing that all the hate is on the exposed nipple, not arterial spray, beheading's, dismemberment, etc...

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whenever i do a fresh mod start in skyrim nude mods are the first to go on. that stupid scummy underwear stuck on? that is offensive...we're all naked when we take off our clothes. it is so weird that violence is ok but nudity is not.


hell i am naked right now and my fiance is naked beside me...but it would be somehow better if we were ripped in pieces and covered in blood?




and that comment about pedophilia and necrophilia? like WTF?

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whenever i do a fresh mod start in skyrim nude mods are the first to go on. that stupid scummy underwear stuck on? that is offensive...we're all naked when we take off our clothes. it is so weird that violence is ok but nudity is not.


hell i am naked right now and my fiance is naked beside me...but it would be somehow better if we were ripped in pieces and covered in blood?




and that comment about pedophilia and necrophilia? like WTF?


"Dude" thats like totally hawt.. :P


Sorry, had no choice but to post that. XD

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Because, and gt this, are you holding on to your seat?



And cosplay and copyright infringement exists In real life, yet those related to those things are banned in the file section so your point being? Edited by urboyfriend
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