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Identifying a mystery HUD bar


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Is there a way of identifying a HUD element from the game screen?


I acquired a mystery bar (presumably from a mod) top left of screen and I can't identify the mod that has put it there.


Mystery Bar


If I could use a console command or some method in game to ID the mod, it would be cool.



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Don't know, it might help if you posted the mods you're currently using.


Do you have that Clock Mod installed?

"A matter of time"?


Thank you!

Yes I have a Matter of Time on board. I'd post a list of mods but actually I was hoping there was a way to ID the source of the bar from the game screen.

As it happens, I believe I have found the culprit. I'll update when I've run some tests.


And yes- got this sorted. I'd updated a mod but the clean save method didn't quite work.


All sorted now!

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