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This shall sum up the timeless debate of Nvidia v AMD


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It's also a term for annoying Harley riders :P (haha I love South Park). But yeah...it's had several meanings over the centuries, one of my teachers got in trouble because some kid cried to their parents. If he would of been paying attention, he would of heard that the teacher wasn't refering to it as the offensive term, but one of it's original meanings (we were discussing it because it showed up in a book).


Haha, this image is quite old. Still makes me giggle a bit. I never had an issue with either card brands overheating. I had a passive cooled 7950GT, stayed nice and cool. Stuck a fan on it and it was even crazier lol...miss that card :P

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Good for you, depending on what you are using it for its good, now try putting that same card in a sli config and run crysis 3 modded for 4 hours.


in a standard airflow case without water cooling-gaming case. Now lets try to imagine the outcome.


longevity was always a problem


also that you have i am not worthy own a titan, the thing is over 1000$, and can pretty much run any current gen game without any effort at all, so that a understatement, try like the gtx690's instead lol.


i'm not biased, i would for a second go nvidia, just right i have two 7950's and thats good enough for me.


Who knows the titan might be the next purchase down the road when it comes down in price :thumbsup:

Edited by Thor.
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Good for you, depending on what you are using it for its good, now try putting that same card in a sli config and run crysis 3 modded for 4 hours.

in a standard airflow case without water cooling-gaming case. Now lets try to imagine the outcome.

also that you have i am not worthy own a titan, the thing is over 1000$, and can pretty much run any current gen game without any effort at all, so that a understatement, try like the gtx690's instead lol.


Yeah, I'll pass on that. Singular with fan cooling it may be fine, but cram them together and they just heat each other up. The fan design wasn't really the best idea, as the lower card's heat just gets sucked straight in.

In general, it's just easier to watercool an SLI/CF build, I've found.


I got it on the cheap through my work, so I don't consider myself "worthy" either. Just lucky.



Brand loyalty is for mugs, just buy whichever is best or best value at the time.

This holds true in a lot of cases, but (at least for me) I can't look past an Intel CPU. I've been floating around GPU brands for a long time now.

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Good for you, depending on what you are using it for its good, now try putting that same card in a sli config and run crysis 3 modded for 4 hours.

in a standard airflow case without water cooling-gaming case. Now lets try to imagine the outcome.

also that you have i am not worthy own a titan, the thing is over 1000$, and can pretty much run any current gen game without any effort at all, so that a understatement, try like the gtx690's instead lol.


Yeah, I'll pass on that. Singular with fan cooling it may be fine, but cram them together and they just heat each other up. The fan design wasn't really the best idea, as the lower card's heat just gets sucked straight in.

In general, it's just easier to watercool an SLI/CF build, I've found.


I got it on the cheap through my work, so I don't consider myself "worthy" either. Just lucky.



>Brand loyalty is for mugs, just buy whichever is best or best value at the time.

This holds true in a lot of cases, but (at least for me) I can't look past an Intel CPU. I've been floating around GPU brands for a long time now.



That's less about brand loyalty and more about giving up on a brand, for quite a while AMD released stinker after stinker, in the end people will stop looking at their CPUs. The same can't be said of their GPUs, both Nvidia and AMD produce decent cards so just looking at one is little bit silly.

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