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15 Years of Oblivion!


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My first connection with Bethesda games was when I would watch my son play Morrowind. My next exposure to Bethesda games was when that same son brought me my own copy of Fallout 3, with the request, "Why don't you try this out dad. I think you will like it." He was right, first person non-linear open world RPGs with available console codes were fun. I have now played all from Oblivion to Fallout 4 and thoroughly enjoyed them.


Of course, I wouldn't still be playing without all the wonderful companion and quest mods from the Nexus that keep the games fresh. I just started a new playthrough of Skyrim SE with some new and significantly updated quest and companion mods. I still have to finish up some Fallout 4 quests, but that will have to wait for a while since Jarl Balgruuf gave me a quest which he deemed important... something to do with the mysterious reappearance of dragons. Anyway, I want to do that because I need to collect Inigo and Lucien and then find the new and improved Serana.

Edited by Moksha8088
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Inigo rocks, no doubt. Best companion I ever seen in any game but I also like Auri, Song of the Green with the face exchange.


My first connection with Bethesda was Daggerfall around 1995 and as you have seen, I still play it time to time.

Edited by Pellape
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  • 2 months later...

Or as I do now, playing Daggerfall Unity as I need a short break from Oblivion but I do mod it a couple of hours each day... That's even longer than a lifetime - 25 years... ;) I do enjoy it and Unity graphics is amazing.

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Agreed. Oblivion is the best game of all time.

I clearly remember the first time I played it. I ran fairly quickly through the starter dungeon just to see if this game was worth my time, but once I got out of the sewers and looked out over the landscape (my first open world game) I knew I had a jewel in my hands. I immediately restarted the game and carefully made my character and have been immersed in the game since. I only had one 2 year brake since started playing in 2006.

I only play quest that fit my character and so it took me 9 years before I played the main quest all the way through. It took me around 6 month since I always make detours in Cyrodiil.

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With a boatload of gameplay-changing mods Oblivion is one of my favorite games. In it's vanilla state...not so much.

I agree with that. Probably because I very quickly after playing Oblivion had to rush out on the internet to see if I could find similar-minded people. I found TesNexus and the old Bethesda forums (rip) and fairly early on started using mods.

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For me, the biggest change was when I did find Better Heads and Better bodies for Morrowind because when I bought it around 2004, the ugliness of all NPC did disturb me some or rather a lot for sure and I did not get it why they had to make the NPC so bloody ugly as they did look much better or at least more natural in Daggerfall. I installed so many mods after that, that I was forced in the end to start merging them.

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