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Can't see sea/lake/river floor


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I think you may not be getting help because your original post is difficult to follow.

There isn't a section for "vanilla" help, it think, because this is a modding website. You would probably be better of looking for vanilla help on the steam or Bethesda forums.


However, from what I can make of your description, you are using mods?

As I understand you, you are having problems with water being opaque? You may want to try "Green water Fix" mod


If that doesn't work

Can you be specific about the following:

1. Your mods loading order (copy/paste the text file of your BOSS log.) I you are not using BOSS but are using mods, simply downloading and using BOSS may solve your problems. BOSS is a regular program, not a mod, you get it here.

2. Your computer specs (CPU, RAM GPU, VRAM)

3. Your game specs (Skyrim patch, game Settings, any changes to .ini files and any changes to Graphics card game profile)

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Are using an ENB mod? that typically causes the underwater visibility problem. Sounds like you already know of the common fixes tho.


I would try uninstalling mods you think may of causes it or changing INI settings back you think may have caused it.


hard to help without knowing what mods your using or what settings you changed.

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