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Mod Problem


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I just started a new game after downloading a bunch of mods. I'm using Arthmoor's alternate start mod, but every time I spawn in the world I get a text box with the message you get when you reach the border of the world, and I'm sent back where I created my character. First I thought it was Better Cities that caused the issue, but the problem persisted even after I de-activated the mod. Then I deactivated Alternate Beginnings and got Alternate Start - Arrival by Ship, but still I get the error message.

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You need to provide a modlist to make it possible for anyone to be able to help you solve this.


I did tried Better Cities and MMM together before I found MOO and that corrupted my saves for sure, so be very selective of what mods you want to run.

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Look at Arthmoor's reply to a comment in the Alternative Beginnings mod comments that was started by GeorgeCorbul on Mar 17 2020 (currently back on page 4 of the comments ... take note of point number 3 in George's post and Arthmoor's reply to that point).

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Funny thing...




3) There seems to be a conflict with Mages Guild Quests (https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/39591) and Fighters Guild Quests (https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/41012) for some of the starts, namely the 'Ranger in a distant camp' and both options for 'Immigrated to Cyrodiil' (don't know if any of the others are affected, though the 'Secluded vampire' start seems to work alright). What happens it I spawn into the location as normal, but as soon as I'm there, a window pops-up saying "There's no reason to go there, I better turn back", and it teleports me back to the mod's original cell.


Those are the two starts I tried when I was testing the game. As for the mod list:


Knights of the White Stallion 4dot4

AFK_Weye Version 2_32

All Compatibility Versions (Combined Download)

Alternative Beginnings


Bank of Cyrodiil

Better Cities v6.0.13

BHC Expanded 1_2

Blades Faction Mod V3 Final

Blockhead 11.0

Book Placement v2 en


Consistent Beggar Voices 1.2 (Audio Quality Fix)

Creature Diversity 1.14

Daedric Lord Armor v110

Destroy the Dark Brotherhood - Oblivion

Elven Map Redux

Elven Weaponry 375 full final

EngineBugFixes v2.22

Fighters Guild Quests 1_8

Gold Horse Courier 1.2.3

Guild Advancement v1_7

Idle Dialogue - Version 1-3

Immersive Weapons 2

Improved Trees and Flora

Knights of the Nine Revelation 1_3_7 Full Install

Kvatch Rebuilt 3.0 RC3

Loading Screens

Loading ScreensSI

Losing My Religion Full 1_43

Mages Guild Quests 1_9

Mark and Recall V2.1


NAO - Natural and Atmospheric Oblivion

Oblivion Character Overhaul - Unofficial Patch 1.2

Oblivion Character Overhaul v203

Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul 136b - OOO 136 Complete BSA Installer EXE

Phinix Portable Tent

Populated Prisons 12

Quest Award Leveller

Quest Log Manager 1_3_2b (disabled)

Real Sleep Extended 2_5

Red Ring Road Signs


Retextured Caves and Mines Doors - Doors

Ruined Tail's Tale RTT_3_0

SB Inventory Gold

Skooma Deals - Buying-Selling-Having Others do it for you - Skooma Deals

Stirk 1_3

Sutch Village

Thievery in the Imperial City

Thieves Arsenal - TA_Odd_Jobs_Complete_v1_5

Town of Alnwick - Alnwick V2.0 - Town Expansion

Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches

Unofficial Oblivion Patch

Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch


Vampire Hunting OVB 3_2

Vaults of Cyrodiil


Verona House Bloodlines - BloodlinesV12Complete

Weapons of Morrowind


I just realised that I've got a lot of thieving mods, yet I have no intention of doing thief stuff on my first character on my new computer. Anyway, the list is a WIP as I still plan to add more mods, but I'd rather fix the current issue I'm having before continuing. But I want some advice. I'm thinking of adding Unique Landscapes. What patches should I look for?

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Just an exercise in dotting the I's and crossing the T's ... confirm that you have bBorderRegionsEnabled=0 in the [General] section of your Oblivion.ini (found in your Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder not Oblivion_Default.ini found in your game's Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder).

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  • 3 weeks later...

I highly recommend Unique Landscapes. I can't play Oblivion without it. Adds much needed variety to the game world landscape.

Unique Landscapes and Better Cities requires some patch plugins.

Sutch Village Lost Coast has a patch.


You can download https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/13834?tab=files the Unique Landscapes compilation file and check against the mods in your list.


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